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Backyard Pool Party

Was out watching the bluebirds earlier. I could hear the water splashing in the nearby bird bath under my tulip poplar tree. The big blackbird was having a pool party by himself. Water was going everywhere.

I had my camera and snapped a photo before he was done. And then I had to fill the bird bath up again. I am tempted to buy a bigger one but it would be more to maintain. So I will just continue filling this bird bath up 2-3 times a day.

I noticed the blackbird coming out of a row of cypress trees in my yard and could hear babies. That means I have found three nests so far in my backyard. Oh, and one robin’s nest in the front. Cool to have a robin’s nest in the front and the backyard.

Will try to get closer next time so you can see how far up the water was being splashed.

Geez, the things I do for these birds. But I enjoy every minute.

Photo ©CarolDM2019

  • Do you keep fresh water out for birds in your yard, if you have a yard?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

21 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. You make an excellent point Carol, I need to get a bird watering area in the yard. Not having one isn’t fair to our friends in the sky.

    Thank you, adding it to the list!

  2. The birds are really unique … I do not like them to eat a salad that I plant them, I have a bird’s scarecrow to drive them

  3. Lovely picture and a beautiful sight. I do not have a bird bath but we have a natural pond just a bit further out of the backyard. So we enjoy the ducks, the bluejays and other birds sometimes splashing in it.

    • Thanks, I love watching these birds. All kinds right now. I saw bluejays over the winter but not now. Kind of strange. Nature offers so much for all of us.

  4. We have a bird bath for our pet bird only …
    We’ve problem with Mosquitoes, so we try not to have stagnant water left in the open for them to breed …
