Waiting for my son to finish his ‘kindergarten work’, I have some spare time and I decided to finally post another poll. Two days ago I visited a forest where an artist painted some trees, he did it because he wanted to make people aware of illegal deforestation. It was beautiful and there were many other people walking through the trees.
Here are the photos, I have many more, but they are too big and I cannot post them. I hope you like them!
Question of
Ever seen an art project like this one?
Question of
Do you think it made people think about illegal deforestation?
Efforts to preserve forests are important and noble, also by making them artworks to make people aware. Hopefully…
And this photo is cool, dear friend
Even if only memories of the beauty are all that remains, it’s still something, it’s still worth it.
I totally agree with you. But still, we must maintain the existence of trees or the earth will dry up and we will die along with their deaths.
We must, but it seems there are too many people that don’t care about that. It’s very sad to know we are the ones destroying our future and also the nature.
They are strange and surprising humans because they don’t seem to give their children and grandchildren the chance to live in the future
I think such a project can make more people aware of the problem of deforestation, and it shows that art can make a difference!
I guess so, but there’s only a few that will actually do something about it…
Very nice photography friend
I’m very glad you liked it, it was a nice walk in the forest, hehe.
A great idea. I hope it will have a positive effect.
Well, now there are many people that go for a walk there. As for the illegal deforestation, I don’t think it will make a big difference…
I like it very much. Nice colours
Thank you. It was nice to walk in that forest ?.
this is a type of installation art, called environmental art
I heard about this term, but didn’t think about it much, just enjoyed the colourful forest.
which would be the most important thing. but if you were to search the term, you might see some things that interest you…
Then I’ll check it out and thank you for your advice ?.
I hope you see something interesting
I have read that you should dilute the paint before using on the trees.
This is no regular paint, it’s a special eco paint that won’t harm the trees. At least that’s what the artist says.
The paint will now destroy the trees, which will eventually lead to deforestation.
Fortunately, the artist used only “nature friendly” paint that has almost no impact on the trees, so there should be no problems ?.
Eu am crezut ca ai colorat copacii in Photoshop!!! Foarte tare ideea. Ma tem insa ca nimeni nu poate opri defrisarile ilegale la noi pentru ca nu cred ca se doreste!
E langa Baia de Fier, chiar la drumul national si la “2 pasi” de la mine, de la tara ?. Cu defrisarile… slabe sperante.
Illegal deforestation didn’t come to mind until I read that part of the post. I did enjoy seeing trees as art!
Well, sometimes you need to do something different if you want people’s attention ?.
good job! I was really impressed you got my attention!!!!