This is the image I took this morning as I was walking home from work. I go to work early in the mornings, and this was taking at about 8:30am. It was a bitterly cold morning, so as you can imagine, I was wrapped up well with my hat and thermal gloves on. I was talking to a lady and we were both saying we can’t wait until all this cold weather is behind us and it starts warming up.
I know I complain about how cold it is here in England, but I consider myself very lucky really. I have been watching reports on the news of the sub-zero temperatures some parts of America are experiencing. -40 degrees is something I cannot even begin to imagine. It’s is only about -5 to -10 degrees here! I hope wherever you live, you stay safe and warm. On the other end of the scale, those in Australia are experiencing a heatwave. The weather is, indeed, very extreme!
We have very warm weather even though it’s winter. I do not think I would survive this cold in America ?
It has been quite warm with us … today we have 5 degrees … in the sun it’s already warm
The photo is beautiful. You must live in a very nice area.
Seeing that beautiful picture I even shivered, and couldn’t imagine the temperature of -40 degrees… I was always determined to adapt to all situations, but at such temperatures, I would definitely not last.
I was going to complain but can’t. I was talking to my mom and she was telling me the temperature in Indiana was -7 degree F. It was 21 in DC at the time. I guess someone always has it worse!
It is crazy in the US as well. Chicago has been negative 50, no mail rain yesterday.
I have seen on the BBC news that some parts of America are experiencing very bad cold and snow. Please take care!
I live in Cali, which is mildly cold…between 50 and 70 degrees, but occasional rain. It is tropical here.I think it is supposed to rain all this weekend here, starting today. I am from Scotland, and I heard it is very cold, windy, and wet there. I grew up in the east coast, near DC and Maryland, and it tends to be extreme weather conditions there, from too humid in summer to very cold and snowy in winter. i have been around…
It seems you have experienced many types of weather then. Scotland is, indeed, a beautiful country. Somewhere I have yet to visit though. I hope so one day.
me too. i was a baby in scotland. i dont remember anything.
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Oh thankyou Ghostwriter, that’s good to know! Thankyou very much. =)
The roads that I travel last night was so bad. The snow was blowing so thick that it was hard to see the road. stay warm and safe.
Oh, be careful when you’re travelling. It seems a lot of people are suffering with the bad weather. You stay safe and warm too!
I can’t read what the signpost says, but the Salvation Army building reminds me of the one in Oadby, Leicestershire. Am I right?
No this is in Great Yarmouth. The sign post is pointing to Lowestoft.
Ah – problem solved!