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365 day Photo Challenge day 9

Today’s picture for the photo challenge comes from this morning (Saturday). I usually don’t get up at o dark thirty on the weekends, and my dog settles in for a long petting session in my office. It is his way of kicking off the weekend. He has been doing that, not bothering me during the week, but coming down on Saturday morning to the office, for more than five years now. It is funny how he has changed my routine.

His name is Dylan Thomas Pickles. The pickles were added by my kids. He loves to eat pickles.

He is my walking buddy and reminds me when it is time to go. It isn’t always time to go when he reminds me, but he doesn’t give up. When he thinks its time to go, its time to go!

Anyone can join the challenge!


What do you think?

10 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!