The good news – a lot of posts were approved over the last two days. First time in 3 months that we’ve had centers approved on back to back days. That is a good start. It is not a great start but a good start. The reality of this site, and for that matter, any other writing site, is the reality of content. Content drives everything. Yesterday I posted an article talking about the dearth of approved items, and of course, they approved articles that day after I published that. I had the same issue nearly a year ago when I published an article on effective ways to use the edit button that I posted right as they removed the edit button form the site. Neither item is wrong. They were published, but not right in the overall sense of right.
People were concerned yesterday when they saw the posts that were approved. They are not SPAM articles, and they are not advertising items, but they are focused on what Google Adsense want s to see on a site, which is why they are approved quickly. As far as I can tell, most authors waiting for posts got their posts published. Ii does see that a few people still haven’t gotten their posts published). I am going to continue sending messages to the admin until we get to the point where they are publishing every day during the week again. Or at least three days per week. I will stop messaging the admin team when they get to that level for two full weeks. Right now, I am still going to send them a message every day.
Lastly, I will end with an interesting finding from my friend’s study. It should be noted, by the way, doesn’t just apply to this site, although several folks would find this helpful. Organic versus inorganic comments were a thing they looked at. Organic comments are where you comment on a post, the author replies, and you have a conversation; you may have 1 or 2 more words than the author, but it is pretty even. Inorganic is where one person posts 10-20 comments to one made by another author. In recent weeks fewer inorganic analysis was driven psots had made it to the most commented list than was the case when my friend started his study back in March.
He also noted authors that were once frequently in the two trending lists that are not there any longer. That is information I may share later!
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)
Question of
Good to see new posts two days in a row, right?
Question of
Keep sending the admins messages, ok?
Question of
this site doesn’t exist without our content…
Question of
Do the admins know what they are doing?
Question of
Should we do an invite an old writer back event?
Yes (3 votes) – 100%
Yes (2 votes) – 50%
No (2 votes) – 50%
Yes (2 votes) – 100%
Yes (2 votes) – 100%
Yes (2 votes) – 100%
who would vote no on supporting other authors and sending a message to the admin team? Seriously?
One article of mine has been approved after 31 days waiting!!!
some have not had their articles approved yet so we keep pushing!
I sent another post 20 days ago and I have sent another recently.
i am not sure what to do other than bug the admins, so I will bug the admins!
Do not worry, it is not your fault. We can wait, perhaps Virily approves plenty of articles very soon and the site is alive one more time
i like your attitude and I hope it is just that they are only doing approvals on Mondays (which would be better than 20 days between them!)
It seems from this writing that Admin are cherry-picking to favour the content that they want.
If this is true, they are greedy, with no other interests in this site, other than from making as much money as they can, as quickly as they can, with the least amount of effort that they can.
i suspect the reality here is that they are picking posts that have high adsense scores. Adsence is the google advertising engine that pays the site.
Not sure that is greedy, they are trying to keep the site alive. They did raise the value of a viril again this month so it does eventually trickly down.
It does cost money to run and host a site like this.
Yes, they might keep the site alive because of a few pennies rolling in due to their actions, but it is far better to look to the long term approach, and approve writer’s posts, even as you have said too, the writers are the main source on their pies.
my father always used to tell me there are two ways of thinking.
1. when you are free, you think of how that freedom can be used.
2. when you are faced with a rent payment, dinner and the electric bill to pay, you no longer think about freedom.
They have bills to pay, the financial stability of the organization is critical for them. no jobs!
And yet, is anything really ever, critical?
They should not be relying on an income from this source alone.
If they have placed all of their eggs into this basket, they should expect a crack or two to turn up over time, from time to time.
yes from a business perspective always have multiple income streams,. but in the new gig economy that isn’t the way it works.
There is only one type of income source for a site like this.
so, yes, they are driven by Google.
I am just starting to look like a fool here, not really knowing what I am talking about, so maybe I might bow out here, without any more egg on my face…lol…
I was thinking more that they would have other main jobs, and this would be just a side interest, a hobby type of a pursuit, but from what you are saying, it seems to be their sole income source, so I can understand now, where they are coming from.
you don’t look like a fool. it is a dynamic new market, if you aren’t around it, how can you know?
i understand their position and goals very well, I’ve dealt with many companies in that boat. what worries me is that at best they appear to not have a plan.
“The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray”, is a nice quote to add in here.
We need to step up and create new plans to combat new enemies.
quoting the bard Bobby Burns are we? The best-laid plans of mice and men Aft Gag Aglay!
to quote the original welsh at the end there.
I suspect that our enemy is simply languor.
I hope they come out of their dreamy languor sooner, rather than later, though.
the entire community agrees with you on that one!
Yes, we were deluged with new posts that I had to go to Page 3 to view all of them.
as long as the new posts keep coming and we get caught up i am ok with a little slogging to find content!
I noticed a lot of ads … that is what those articles appear to be. This is not good for a site.
actually they aren’t bad for the site, they are simply more adsense aware than most posts are. They draw views so why do we care?
Will have to wait and see what the next day will bring. Not sure how I feel about the situation.
i know how I feel, frustrated! i know two authors whose posts are not going to draw lots of google AdSense awareness, and they are still waiting.
Waiting and for what reason? It is beyond ridiculous.
here is my IMHO the admin team lost a member around the time of Covid, they were unable to replace that person, so they have been down one team member it slows everything down. IMHO
Who knows at this point. Trying to give them another chance.
i have had an open position on my team since march. It is really hard to hire right now.