I did as promised send the last poll post to the admin team. I also pointed out the critical goals of the authors on the site. Thank you to every single person that took the time to comment.
I was wandering a site I hadn’t gone to in a while yesterday. I have in the past spent more time with Flipbook than I do now. It is more trying to see what sties will increase views on the posts I share. I have lost several regular viewers on this site, because of the atmosphere and the number of conspiracy site style posts. Most of the people that have read my posts for years know my backup blog and read things there, 2-3 days alter. They are fine not getting my posts the day they are written and won’t come to this site anymore. It makes me sad toa degree, but at this point, I figure it is wholly their right so that I won’t argue with them about the decision.
I am going to try to move forward positively from now on.
So let’s talk about something, not writing site related. What are parents going to do this fall? Many schools in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and the Island nations have declared either school as a regular or virtual school. Virtual school is difficult because parents have to be able to be there for the kids with a virtual school. The goal is to reduce the risk of children being in school physically. I know many parents and many teachers that are concerned about the reality of virtual school. How do you balance the needs of the child for socialization as well as the existence of the virtual school? Robert Fulghum wrote a book many years ago, “I learned everything I needed to know in Kindergarten.”
Socialization and how we interact with the world are built in those early years of life. Some measure of that comes from our parents. But another action comes from the people we associate with as we grow. Your family is something you really can’t change. Your friends are, to a degree, the family you choose. Without those opportunities to socialize appropriately, kids won’t have the same experience in school as was initially intended. But, the risk of that pandemic is enormous. While it often impacts children horribly, it is less likely to change a child horribly. But adults will suffer from the COVID – Virus. There has to be a balance between a virtual and in-person school, with the goal being to protect the maximum number of people.
What do you think?
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)
I have been posting here but tgey wont add it.
sorry my poll disappeared completely i screwed up. oh well.
It happens to all of us, not a problem.
i didn’t do the work around (lazy) and got really bitten!
Oh well, it happens to all of us.
it does, i am just frustrated with myself. Letting go!
If I am a parent, I would surely will either opt my child out of school for a year or go virtual. Missing a year is better than jeopardizing the child’s health as well as that of the whole fam. And, if I may point out, there are actually parents who go for home-schooling even without this pandemic. And, of course, I want to say THANKS A MILLION for the “how are you?” message. Appreciate it. From the heart

hey I check on my friends!
The issue is that school has two distinct parts for both parents and children.
1. Socialization
2. education
those are for the kids
for the parents
1. structured 8 hour block of the day supervised and managed.
2. education and socialization.
On socialization, let me quote your quote: “I learned everything I needed to know in kindergarten.”
On education, I would say education is not only learned from schools. There are many people who went to schools but are not educated
i don’t buy that – here is simply why.
Someone turned on the light switch in your head.
Awww, the pandemics based on history never stay forever. If you are a parent which comes first? Safety or socialization? Safety or education? To me, the choice is pretty simple. My reply was based on the context that any set-up now is temporary
i suspect there are two sides to every story. as always you have inspired me to dive deeper into this discussion!
The best thing I ever heard was a friend who told me she has registered her daughter in a Florida virtual school so she can finish her education. I completely agree it is much less worry than her daughter actually going to school on the outside.
the issue for many parents is that while schools are education they are also child management for 8 hours a day.
take away the child management and many families have to scramble
My opinion is that virtual school is not particularly popular with parents. Some have big problems.
it really is not popular. The reality is we may have to have it.
I agree. In our country, the government is already planning how to do this.
many governments are, I hope someone will do the figure out how to keep kids engaged so they don’t fall behind.
I think this will be very difficult to achieve. Much also depends on the children themselves (how serious they are).
i do worry that there are many moving pieces in this.
I agree. I have heard from many parents that they have had problems. The children did not take such learning seriously.
It is much harder, i find with 5 or 6 hours of video calls I have to have a break and I am a professional and have been doing online meetings for more than 20 years.
I can’t imagine a six-year-old without a teacher in the room staying focused.
I totally agree with you. I have a seven-year-old granddaughter so I know what it looks like.
To bad you lost followers. It happens over the years.
School is a hot topic right now. I know many teachers and they are very anxious at the next steps. Personally I think school should start, cautiously of course.
i agree! school has to take care of our kids.
I didn’t actually lose followers, they just won’t read anything on virily now.
I can understand that perspective unfortunately.
it is very sad, they were so nice about it, but they refuse to support any site that has posts like the ones here now.