
Love ItLove It

a brief history of the site…

I used the word rules yesterday, and I shouldn’t have. They are more the guidelines by which I operate. So I am retracting the use of regulations and replacing that with my instructions. I sometimes get lost in the semantics of what I am talking about instead of focusing on clearly communicating. So my apologies for the lack of clarity yesterday. Sometimes I find myself having a conversation with people that spreads to the comments.  It is essential when I do that that I bring those conversations back to the community.

Over the last four years, there have been several platform changes that have occurred. I realized in conversations that not all authors on the site now, were part of that original group four years ago.

  1. Comment issue: There was a huge number of authors that left comments like Nice, Good, and nothing else. The admins changed the site and required the 20 character minimum for comments. The funny thing is the people that were doing good, or nice simply did good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
  2. Around the time of that change, we had a massive number of fake users sign up and post spam comments (around 200 a day or more on the entire site) that brought about the report button for comments. (the two are close in timing I am not entirely sure the two are linked).
  3. The original draft issue. People were able to save their posts multiple times and get credit for a job for every to keep (people got 100,000 virils in a single month). This was shut down, and if you save things on the site you may get the “cheating?” web page
  4. Blocking users were added after it was asked for in July. It was added because of the users who felt it was ok to send nasty PMS to other authors.
  5. The edit button was added and removed very quickly from the site. We requested the option of editing posts, but we were not clear what we needed.

Another functionality has no function on the site in a while. Report a post does not work. You had to copy the URL of the job and send that to the admin team now. They also had done other changes we’ve asked for, including removing the downvote option for comments when that was abused (30 or more downvotes on many comments).

I guess I am presenting a brief history of some of the changes we’ve asked for, we have others that were also done, but these were the big ones.

His work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)

  • Question of

    i know that communication remains an issue.

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    speed of moderation of posts is still an issue

    • Yes
  • Question of

    will you share other site changes in the comments?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

11 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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    Yes (5 votes) – 100%
    Yes (5 votes) – 100%
    Yes (1 votes) – 50%
    No (1 votes) – 50%

  2. There are many names I enjoyed seeing but have not seen now in a very long time. Personally I think an edit button is very much needed. I try to be so careful when I post but one time it was important for me to share a video and somehow the video did not get embedded but just showed a link which I think could not be opened. The point of my post lost all meaning. Now if I could hop on over and edit my post right away everything would have been just fine instead I had to leave it as is and then I did not want to share it with Twitter because it was just not right.

  3. I think the temperament of the site has changed for the better. We are not without challenges and yet we have come a long way together. It’s been a long time since I have been paid with any money here, but my heart has been touch and my husband has found a place that he can read and sometimes comment.

    I guess I am missing what is hurting the site right now? Give me a little clarification. I don’t want to be a part of the problem. I would rather be a part of the solution.


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