The picture was taken at the Arboretum where they have an exhibition of the depths of the deep sea
Dolphins sleep in a strange way. One half of the brain is asleep and the other half is awake and with its help, the animal monitors what is happening.
Dolphins have just as big a brain as we humans do. Their brain turns are even more complex than ours, so their brains have more surface area. The brain surface, however, is crucial to the intelligence of a being. So are dolphins more intelligent than humans? Giorgio Pilleri, a renowned Swiss expert on brain and tendon, believes this is possible. It has been learned that the dolphin’s brain processes much more information at the same time as the human.
Do you think dolphins are smarter than humans?
In my recent book I have included a quote that I loved by Douglas Adams: “For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man—for precisely the same reasons.”
That’s a great quote. It’s really hard to decide who’s smarter. I agree with both explanations (human and dolphin).
I prefer the dolphin version better.
Me too prefer this version.
To my question: Who is the smart dolphin or the human? I found this piece of information I want to share: That in the dolphins kindness is more than in us humans. They have no malice and envy.
Based on your information, I will say that dolphins are smarter 😉
Dolphins are the smartest marine mammals, but I don’t think they are smarter than humans!
I agree. They may be the smartest among animals.
Dolphins are smart marine animals, and in the water they are smarter than humans…Dolphins helped people in peril in the sea, often..
I agree. I have read that they are also used in the treatment of certain diseases.
in the wonderful books (Hitchhikers series) Douglas Adams (in the first book when the dolphins left earth)
wrote this line as the dolphins left “thanks for all the fishes!”
Dolphins are probably at least as smart as humans are!
Unfortunately, I don’t know these books. They have to be interesting. Opinions are quite different as to their intelligence.
Humans measure intelligence as navigating our world. We do not understand the difference that life in the sea brings.
I agree. I think everyone is guessing a little. 😊
there are groups of scientists that have shown the complexity of dolphin communication, and the ability of dolphins to learn even more complex tasks easier than dogs do. Including the ability to not do something for a year, and still be able to do it exactly the same way.
there is so much we do not know.
Thank you very much for your explanation
They are quite smart but I don’t think they are smarter.
I think the same. I don’t know, but I could be wrong. 😊
I happen to think that most animals are smarter than humans
Sometimes animals really behave smarter than some people.
I love seeing dolphins do tricks. Very interesting.
Thank you. I saw a dolphin perform at the zoo.
I remember watching them performing at a Seaworld show in the US.
I saw a dolphin perform at the zoo.
This is such interesting information! I recently watched a video where young dolphins were bullying another fish, and they were biting it because it releases some substance like a drug. It’s amazing how similar their behavior is to humans’.
You are right. Studies of dolphin behavior have shown that they communicate in a similar way to humans and that they are smarter than chimpanzees. Some dolphins in Australia use marine sponges as a kind of tool. They place them in their mouths and use them to dig through the sand to catch the fish hidden in it. The sponge protects their muzzle from injury.
That’s really amazing behavior!
I agree. I was also surprised when I read this.
Amazing. I have always read dolphins were very intelligent.
I agree. I also read a lot about it. They are used in the treatment of certain diseases.
I only know that dolphins are special and intelligent creatures that are even used as spiritual symbols.
You are right. They are also used in the treatment of certain diseases.