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Dictators – how well do you know them?

We tend to associate dictators with ancient tyrannical leaders but it may surprise you that there are many similar dictatorships in modern times. A dictatorship is a type of government where the leader or a small group rules with absolute power. Dictators rule by suppressing basic liberties and rights, intimidation, terror and propaganda. Lately the word dictatorship has been given a revival of sorts and a certain degree of respectability shall we say. lists 49 countries considered dictatorships. Africa leads the way followed by Asia-Pacific, Eurasia, the Americas and Europe. I have selected 10 countries for this quiz. Test your knowledge of current day dictatorships and dictators by matching the dictator with the country.

  • Question of

    Hun Sen

    • China
    • Vietnam
    • Cambodia
  • Question of

    Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

    • Turkey
    • Greece
    • Libya
  • Question of

    Nicolás Maduro

    • Chile
    • Columbia
    • Venezuela
  • Question of

    Vladimir Putin

    • Belarus
    • Russia
    • Poland
  • Question of

    Hassan Rouhani

    • Iraq
    • Lybia
    • Iran
  • Question of

    Kim Jong-un

    • North Korea
    • South Korea
    • Phillipines
  • Question of

    Paul Kagame

    • Sudan
    • Rawanda
    • Somalia
  • Question of

    Xi Jinping

    • South Korea
    • China
    • Vietnam
  • Question of

    Abdel Fattah al-Sisi

    • Egypt
    • Saudia Arabia
    • Bahrain
  • Question of

    Bashar al-Assad

    • Sudan
    • Thailand
    • Syria


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by Gloridaze


  1. I must watch or listen to too much news. I got them all – I know the leaders of most countries if they have been in the news over the last few years I guess.
    Great quiz!
