Animals are creatures of routines. They are used to doing things at certain times and when their routines are changed they do act wired.
Since the beginning of this week my husband works from home, all thanks to Covid 19. Since he is at home he takes our fu rbabies out for walks in the morning, evening and night, with slight changes in time ( he takes them out a bit earlier than I do) . However, our fur babies (dogs) seem to think it doesn’t really count, they demand that I take them out at the time I normally do.
Normally, my husband avoids working on weekends when he is at home. Now he works from home, in his room with the door closed. He is always on one con-call or the other and our fur babies think they need to be on con calls too. Zoe, mourns all day, lying near the door, scratching it and whining away. Spark seems to thin k she is right. This means that I need to be keeping them entertained from 8 am to 6 pm everyday.
They just can’t figure why he has to lock himself up. When he is at home it is always playtime for them in the past. In the bargain I can hardly focus on my work.
They also cannot seem to understand why the car is always parked inside and why they cannot go out for their long rides. Our little one, Zoe, is always trying to get into the car, and scratching away at the door standing on two legs.
How do I explain the concept of ‘work from home’ to them?
Question of
It is tough making our pets understand new things , right?
Question of
Has covid19 affected your daily life in some way?
Not only pets cannot understand these changes. Young children too. My change is that I can’t do my walks.
That is so true. I am also missing my long walks.
Oh, cute babies, I think most animals react like that when the owner is home for a long time…they seem to wonder what is going on and why they aren’t getting the usual attention.
You seem to have understood them very well 🙂
I used to have 3 shihtzus back in the 90s. they are in Heaven now. When i saw your photo, i was reminded of mine, and i miss them being around. but now i have a cat.
I am so sorry. It is hard when you lose a pet. Thank you for dropping by to share your feelings with us. Hugs to you.
You will have to use a lot of effort to convince and try to explain to them but I don’t know if they’ll accept it.
It hasn’t yet affected my country negatively. Only 6 cases announced by the government.
I pray that your country stays that way, no I pray that you wont be affected in anyway. Our Fur babies seem to be settling down a bit.
Thank you. I appreciate it. They will get used in time
Aw, sweet babies, they just want to play. Such innocent creatures, I miss having a pet. Work from home has its challenges.
Yes, they want to play all the time, especially Zoe.
This virus has changed our habits a lot. For us, these are difficult changes, let alone our pets.
Very true Viodocka, well said. I am finding some restrictions difficult as well.
We are all creatures of habit. Change is hard. Love your dogs. Take care.
Yes, indeed. Change is hard, at least we rationalize and mentally get set for change, but these little babies suffer.
Yes , it is lock down here all activities are suspended
So you too are facing difficulties?
Nothing much changed here yet
Good for you. Do you anticipate changes in the near future?
Yes, coming week things will not be same. Let’s see.
I hope it isn’t too tough on you or your family.
Thanks. Hope this time will pass soon.
Poor little babies. Yes they get easily frazzled by the least bit of change. Dogs are slightly worse than cats in routine changes. But I am sure and I hope they will adapt eventually. Please say hi to Zoe and your other dog(s) for me. They are so cute….
They do get frazzled, but as you say they are settling down now. I did say hi to Zoe and Spark for you and gave them a few hugs too. Thanks.
I wish I could hug them in person but I hugged Runt my cat twice for your two cutie pies.
Aww.. that is so sweet, thank you. 🙂
My life has not really changed much … I miss being alone with friends in some nice cafe over coffee and some good beer ….. walking in nature and the forest is not yet forbidden …
I understand, good that you can at least go for those lovely walks in the forest. That must be a relief for you.
It’s really a real pleasure and relaxation, dear Dawn
How awesome, I sometime envy you. LOL
When I’m on the walk, I’ll remember you, dear Dawn
Routine – the application of structure.
Dogs, the lover of structure.
(it is after their walk)!
this is so what is happening in my house now. I am laughing (hopefully with you!)
LOL I know,they just don’t understand any thing other than routine.
My bad, I thought that I had spell checked this one.
happens to all of us, sometimes spell checker gets me and changes my post!
great picture by the way!
I don’t rely on the spell checker, but looks like I can’t rely on myself as well LOL
my problem is autocorrect, it beats to changing things!!!!
I know, autocorrect is a pain on my phone, it completely changes my text messages sometimes.