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Who deserve your seat and why ?

Honoring a woman is a sign of honorable man similarly honoring elder’s is the duty of every person and every community.  If you want to be honorable then give respect to others since this is the job of honorable man and this is the beauty of humanity.

In this unique poll you need to decide who deserve your seat and why ? Kindly comments the detail reason why you want to leave seat for one these people in the picture.

  • Who deserve your seat and why ?

    • A -The lady with baby
    • B -The old lady
    • c- Disable man
    • D – The old Man


What do you think?

14 Points


  1. The old man. He seems to be a zombie and if I give him my seat, maybe he won’t eat anyone. If I give it to someone else, he may get angry and eat everyone!
    If he’s not a zombie, then the lady with the baby ?.

  2. I would offer my seat to the lady with a baby. This way I am helping two persons. I’ll just assist the old woman to find another seat if possible.

  3. Old man is such a compliment for a zombie. ?
    Hard to choose, I went for A. Then the mother can decide if she wants to leave her seat for B, C or D, I did my duty. ?

  4. I think that the seat deserves the old lady … old people have to be respected … we will also be old if we do not die before …. …. but you also gave such comparisons that it was difficult to decide

  5. I would always give my seat to a mother. She deserves a short rest for her legs. she carries the weight of her family.
