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Which Family is Poor ?

According to the person who made this picture, it is not difficult to guess why this family is poor. One of these two families is poor and you have to recognize it.Tell your response in the comments below by thinking carefully and analyzing all the details of the picture.

Kindly state the reason that which one poor and why ?

  • Which Family is Poor ?

    • The right one
    • The left one


What do you think?

15 Points


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  1. According to the person who made this picture, it is not difficult to guess why this family is poor, because low-income people often choose foods that are affordable but also energy-efficient.such as pizza, ice cream and cake etc .
    In contrast, rich people prefer nutritionally beneficial foods such as vegetables, protein and fruits.

  2. None is poor. The family on the left is eating pizza which in our standard here is not affordable by a poor family. The one on the right seems comfortable and the woman has a necklace. Both pictures depict happy and contented faces.

  3. Yes, it the left family but in my opinion the richest people in the world are not dependant on earthly wealth but have love in their lives . that is all depends on how you look at life. I have met some very rich people who are the unhappiest I have ever seen but then I have also happy rich people, and the same can be said of poor or inbetween.

    Your real value is in your heart, and not an out side perspective.


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