My sister was setting outside and a severe thunderstorm watch was on TV, so she went outside and captured this picture.
Are you afraid of thunderstorms to the degree that it is unhealthy? If I hear about a severe storm watch, that is about heading for safety I get nervous, but I have never been afraid of storms, I always tried to help my children not to be afraid of storms. I use to sing to them or ask them to play a game, to help their minds be on other things besides the storm.
Credit Image-My sister gave me permission to use this photo.
Question of
Are you afraid of storms?
Maybe if it is bad enough
Question of
Are you afraid of
I am cautious but not afraid.
Thank you Kim! Your mind is a healthy one. We all should be cautious but not phobic, like how some people act.
I guess I generalized too much in my answer, I cannot say I have never been afraid during one, boy there has been one that stands out in my mind. Two tornadoes were coming straight at our house. They were just across a small river minutes from the house, just before they hit us, they split and went around us. We had a lot of damage, but they didnt hit directly. I can honestly say I was afraid.
I would be afraid too in those conditions. Some people hear the word tornado watch and start panicking from then on.
Last night there was a terrible thunderstorm here.
Oh I hope you are alright. I have heard that the bathroom is one of the safest place to go when in the midst of a bad storm.
I am not afraid of storms, but keep in mind I live in a high desert nowhere near a flood risk area, so…
Well, then you have nothing to be afraid of lol and thank you for commenting.
Mostly I fear drought; some go thirsty, others drown…
I am not necessarily afraid…but I don’t like thunder and lightning. Great post!
Thank you MommyofEli2013 for sharing your thoughts. I agree with you!
I am not afraid, but I don’t like hearing thunders.
Thank you elli925 for your thoughts. I do not mind the thunder, just hate lightening.
I don’t mind them if I’m warm and dry inside. I don’t like them when they cause me to lose electricity.
Yes, I hate losing electricity as well. Thank you for visiting.
I don’t like them but aren’t exact afraid…
Our dog, Raven is terrified of thunderstorms. I guess they are scary if you don’t know what they are…
I am not afraid but I prefer to be inside and watch them, I do not like to drive in them.
Sorry should only show one question lol
I love thunderstorms so much that I would drive 300 miles to see a good one. I try to get to Arizona for the monsoons in summer.
Thank you Ann for your interesting thoughts.