
Love ItLove It WINWIN

Visiting Cotton ~ Day 192

I have talked about visiting our local owl named Cotton at the local state park. She was found as a baby in the snow. She was injured so she is now kept and cared for in this area. Visitors are welcome. She is also taken out to visit different groups or schools. I went for a quick visit yesterday. This is a busy weekend, Memorial Day is always busy. So I only got one shot of her and she would not look at me. But it is so cool to see her safe in her new home. Wishing everyone a great day!


365 Photos Challenge Day 192

  • Have you ever seen a real owl?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. Well, hello Cotton. Don’t you look nice and comfy there. I hope you get your favorite dishes often. See you soon cutie pie. Sorry Carol I just had to talk to Cotton right now. Thank you for introducing her to Virily.

  2. She is beautiful as always. I once petted an owl, it was a wonderful experience. I feel I always mention it whenever I see Cotton, lol.
