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“Torment us and we will give you the best results”

That is what rose plants seem to say.  Roses need deep pruning but they demand it at the right time.  Pruning is normally done just after the monsoons and not during, as with heavy rain the new shoots tend to wither.

Deep pruning is done once a year but light pruning is also what rose plants demand  They expect that all roses that have withered as also dead twigs and leaves need to be got rid of from time to time. .

Roses unlike other flowers are indeed demanding but they yield results if they are taken good care of.  And that includes feeding them.  They need to be fed every 15 days.  Their soil needs to be replaced – not all but atleast the top layer.

After reading all this I wonder if you would still want roses in your garden.

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What do you think?

16 Points

Written by grace


  1. I never find it a chore to care for roses, I just add a hand full of worm compost to the watering can shake it well leave it over night and water the plants. They do pretty well if this is done fortnightly. No digging up for me.

  2. Oh yeah, I meant to add that I am the wrong person to ask for advice about roses. Here there are very few in town as deer just love to trim them and are in need of advice about how, when, etc…

  3. I had this incredible rose hedge once – my neighbors couldn’t stop saying stuff about what I should do. It was always fine though and had many flowers. I maybe should have kept it shorter than 7 feet tall.
