

The origin of coronavirus Covid-19

Chinese people do love to eat wild animals. Hunters take these wild mammals and take them to local markets where they live until there is one buyer. These wild animals transmit new viruses to humans who go to these markets and to the meat that is being sold.

One of these animals is the pangolin, a mammal that is considered a delicacy. Likewise, traditional Chinese medicine uses wild animals (pangolin for instance) to cure diseases. Changing these beliefs is really difficult as these are ancient traditions. Pangolin can be the origin of this new coronavirus. Another candidate is the bat.

Chinese authorities do not really allow people to eat these wild animals but there is a demand for them so illegal hunting continues. Because of this coronavirus crisis, new strict measures have been imposed in China and these local markets where wild animals live and are hidden for sale are forbidden.

However, Chinese authorities are afraid of banning traditional medicine that uses wild animals to cure diseases as this is part of Chinese culture. In the past, theses viruses did not travel so far but now globalization has made China to be a developed country and new viruses travel easily.

At the end of November, a Chinese woman who ate meat from this local market in Wuhan had coronavirus. This was the first sick person. Time was wasted and now this new virus has traveled the whole world. Globalization makes us to be exposed to new diseases.

Sars came from China too and had a local meat market as the origin as well. Ebola was produced because some poor people in Africa ate monkeys. Wild forests are destroyed in rural areas and mammals who never had contact with humans transmit us new viruses. Likewise, poor people who eat bad will transmit new diseases. What is more, so many international flights and overpopulation in huge cities allow viruses to be transmitted in a way never seen before.

  • Question of

    Will we control this coronavirus covid-19???

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Will we have a new pandemic crisis once coronavirus is controlled???

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Will you eat a pangolin????

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

16 Points


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  1. Sadly, there will be future eruptions of virus diseases. Bill Gates had hinted about 2 years ago the possibility of an outbreak of a virus disease. He asked whether the world is ready. The fact is the world wasn’t ready.

  2. Thank you for directing me to this article. They eat these things for medicinal purposes that were said thousands years ago. However, nobody outside of China has ever discovered that eating bats and pangolins is good for consumption. Some traditions need to be broken. Chinese people need to stop eating dogs and cats as well. That Yulin Festival is a joke.

    • Yes, you are right. Chinese do not want to recognize coronavirus comes from the pangolin but experts outside China say it has to come from pangolin. These eating traditions are bad for health. Chinese believe pangolin is a magical animal and the scales are used as a way to healing sick people but eating pangolins is bad but they love eating pangolins. I have read that Yulin festival is a new invention created in 2010 to improve the sales of dogs as the consumption of dogs had decreased. They steal dogs to sell them. They eat dogs in June because they say it helps humans to have a better summer. It is horrible. Because of this coronavirus crisis China has banned local food markets where strange animals are sold but traditional Chinese medicine will continue. Thanks a lot for your comment.

  3. The bad thing is that not only in China is traditional medicine part of their culture. There are other countries. You never know where something even worse can come from. I hope this madness ends soon.

  4. I guess we will be able to eradicate it, but not until it has taken a huge toll the world over. Anyway China claims that the virus came from the US and has planted many conspiracy stories out there.

    • Donald Trump referred to Coronavirus as a “Chinese virus” so Chinese authorities got angry and they claimed, “it was made in the USA” but now America has more infected people than China so if it was true it has been a huge mistake. China does not want to accept the truth because they consume plenty of exotic animals. What you can read here is very close to what has happened but the Chinese are not saying from which animal coronavirus comes. Perhaps it is a very consumed animal and perhaps we have to live with coronavirus forever as we are living with the flu.

  5. We need a strong immune system to defeat coronavirus. 80 percent of those infected will only have mild symptoms. 14 percent will develop a serious illness and 6 percent of those infected will die. Age, health and a good immune system are essential so eat properly these days is very recommendable. Garlic and onion do improve our immune system. Too much sugar harms our immune system. sleeping and rest a lot do help our immune system in a great extent similarly.

  6. Perhaps now it is easier for Chinese to consume wild mammals and to hunt them. In fact, pangolin was on the brink of extinction because is widely consumed in China. Some wild animals should not be consumed, and some consume pangolin almost rare. Humans destroy a lot of forests and wild habitats that were unknown to build new roads and new cities so new viruses appear as well. Similarly, China is a rich country now and trains and roads connect different parts of the country as never before. Likewise, there are so many international flights now that connect China with the rest of the world that has allowed the virus to travel so far. A mixture of these facts has provoked this global pandemic. China has now banned these local markers that sell wild mammals. We will know more answers soon. If countries work together coronavirus could be defeated sooner. They say that at 24 Celsius degrees coronavirus die so summer can be our allied. However, if we do not work againts it properly coronavirus will be back in November stronger.

  7. properly prepared and preparation is critical.

    The Chinese culture has done this for more than 5000 years. What has changed that the environment has a virus-like Covid-19. I suspect that is the bigger question/issue here.

    What changed to create covid-19?

    If something has been done for thousands of years, it isn’t to blame for what happens. We have to understand the natural order of the world. That Virus evolved for a natural purpose.

    • Yes, Perhaps now it is easier for Chinese to consume wild mammals and to hunt them. In fact, pangolin was on the brink of extinction because is widely consumed in China. Some wild animals should not be consumed, and some consume pangolin almost rare. Humans destroy a lot of forests and wild habitats that were unknown to build new roads and new cities so new viruses appear as well. Similarly, China is a rich country now and trains and roads connect different parts of the country as never before. Likewise, there are so many international flights now that connect China with the rest of the world that has allowed the virus to travel so far. A mixture of these facts has provoked this global pandemic. China has now banned these local markers that sell wild mammals. We will know more answers soon. If countries work together coronavirus could be defeated sooner. They say that at 24 Celsius degrees coronavirus die so summer can be our allied. However, if we do not work againts it properly coronavirus will be back in November stronger.

        • Yes, Chinese traditional medicine uses wild animals to cure and the Government has not banned it because these are ancient beliefs (I think they use the scales of this pangolin to cure for instance) so some animals will still be hunted but as these local markets are closed now the illegal hunting and consumption of some wild animals will decrease as the risk of new viruses appearing. There are a lot of endangered species and we should take care of them. In fact, losing some species could be dangerous. If one species die other species can increase dangerously changing the rule of nature.

          • It is a process – in science we call the system of systems our ecosystem. Each species has its own ecosystem, if we break too many small systems we end up destroying the larger system.

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