
Tech Wiz on the evolution of software…

Bite-sized applications, it is a phrase I coined more than five years ago. It was my initial attempt to explain why cell phones were rising and PC’s were sliding.  The view being the reality of applications from the perspective of an enterprise application person. I grew up in the world of how can we build a better mousetrap. If you build it, they will come. Suddenly in 2007, the world changed.  Apple changed the software world forever. The first thing was making a mobile application “cool.” But the thing that most people don’t recall is that before the iTunes store, most applications started at 19.99. That was the reality we lived in and built towards. Suddenly applications cost a dollar.

At first, it was easy to make fun of the new software world. Angry Birds was the application that was exploding. “It’s a game” we would say. But it wasn’t just a game. It was the iPhone’s camera. It was the iTunes store. From there it was wi-fi in Starbucks. It was the big telecom companies offering wifi everywhere they had hotspots. It was free wifi in airports. It was cell phones that suddenly had batteries that lasted 5 6 and even 8 hours of daily use. Today I use my phones, between 4,5 hours to talking time most days. That was the game changer that started in 2007. Steve Jobs is standing on stage saying you won’t believe this new thing we’ve done. Style, which is what Apple sold for years, was suddenly cool again.

When I stopped being an Apple Computer user in 1996, I changed camps. Back in the 1980s, it was two camps: Pc users that believed in the Microsoft model of cheap hardware and expensive software ( ½ by the by of the overall cloud concept). The Apple world was cheaper software (although not as much as it would be later) and expensive hardware. Macs are still more expensive overall than a comparable PC. By 2011 when I returned to the Apple world, things had changed. Apple was still the style company, it was still more expensive to get the hardware, but suddenly the software wasn’t as expensive. Apple was also the media company with the iTunes, iPod combination. But the huge game changer was the reduced cost of software.

The evolution fo the market continues, the change in how people interact with devices continues to evolve!

  • Question of

    Do you own software that costs more than 19.99?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you have more than 10 applications on your cell phone you use?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Does your cell phone have a GPS?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!