
Tech Wiz, new products that have shipped!

The newest product from Segway isn’t just a personal transportation device. It is also a robot. Lummo arrived on Wednesday. Once setup was done, we tried to ride Lummo. First off, I do not have the balance required to ride a Segway. I am working on that now. It was a little scary, and I slipped off. My daughter and my future son-in-law hopped on and were zipping around like it was nothing. My wife hasn’t tried yet; the twins also have tried. They didn’t do as well but did much better than I did! The coolest thing about Lummo isn’t the Segway, although that is cool, it is that it is a robot. With voice interaction and a touch screen, Lummo is an interesting addition to the world of useful robots.

You can call Lummo to you, like Keecker, but unlike Keecker Lummo doesn’t project on the wall. Lummo only uses his screen. Anyway, it is also intriguing to me when new robotic projects ship. Yes, I am enough of a geek that I wait for new robots.

Another new device that is currently shipping is the voice translator “Travis Touch” in part this product is a cool product because it has an easy to use the touchscreen. Its small and will easily fit into your pocket. It has done a great job overall and is easier to use than the previous product from this company (Travis Blue). I feel like voice translation, and voice interaction is going to continue to improve.

Travis is a company from Holland, which is another cool thing.

 A full review is coming later, for now just a couple of new products that are interesting. I wish, Travis had been around when I was traveling more. It would have been useful!

  • Question of

    Have you used a voice translator in the past?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Would you use one if it were easy and fast?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!