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Sky Sunday – What is the name of this phenomenon?

Hello, everyone! Today I’m going to show you a photo I’ve taken some time ago. I was traveling by plane and as usually I had a seat at the window. I was looking out the window and I saw the airplane’s shadow on a cloud. It looked like it was surrounded by a rainbow. It was the first time I saw that. This optical phenomenon resembles an iconic saint’s halo. It occurs only when certain conditions are met simultaneously: it is a more complex optical phenomenon created by the refraction and dispersion of light when the sun, behind a human observer, projects the shadow on a cloud  lower than its position, and the respective cloud is formed by drops of water of a diameter in a well-defined range. 

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  • Question of

    My question for you is: What is the name of this phenomenon?

    • Sundog
    • Glory
  • Question of

    Have you ever seen this phenomen?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

12 Points

Written by Ileana Calotescu



  1. This is not part of a halo. As I said is a phenomenon that occurs when the sun is behind the object or the person whose shadow is projected on the cloud. It’s true that the shadow of the plane is hard to distinguish in the photo, but I assure you it was there. This rainbow surrounded the shadow. And something else! It was just one not four!?
    Hope you guessed the corect answer!

  2. I once captured a 33 degree halo with three of these! In a plane you can see all four! There were probably 3 more.
    On thursday I saw one at work on my lunch break, I ran inside and told the boss and receptionist to go outside to look at it, and by the time they went out it was gone. They had to look up what one was as they didn’t really believe me. lol
