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Pomegranate health Benefits

Pomegranate is one of my favorite fruits. The tangy sweet taste of the fruit makes it a refreshing fruit to eat by itself or added to a salad with Greek yogurt , as a juice or even as a topping on desserts.

Pomegranate is rich vitamin C. It is also a great source of folic acid, Potassium, vitamin K , vitamin B6 and omega-6fatty acids. It has a higher level of antioxidants  than what is found in the much touted super foods like Green tea , red wine, cranberries, blueberries or oranges.

Consumption of pomegranates helps people with Alzheimer. The Vitamin B riboflavin, thiamine and niacin in the fruit actually helps in slowing down brain atrophy.

Wound healing is hastened due to its antimicrobial and antibiotic properties.

Eating pomegranates regularly reduces the risk of anemia. The presence of folic acid in pomegranates makes it an excellent food for expectant mothers. 

The anti inflammatory properties of the fruit helps people with arthritis.

It is also found that eating the fruit regularly help fight cancer and slows down the growth of cancerous cells.

This fruit is said to have great hypertension reducing properties. Much research is being done in this area.

Pomegranate is a great fruit for heart health. It has anti-thrombotic properties which helps in fighting blood clots, hardening of arteries. It is also good for reducing the bad cholesterol and cleaning of plaque that forms in the veins and arteries.

Pomegranate is also said to improve Immunity. 

Being an excellent source of antioxidants it is a great skin food. It helps reduces or prevent wrinkles and keeps your skin soft and supple.

For more information reads this article –

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Written by Dawn


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