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Photography Poll

Most of use some type of picture taking device for our posts on Virily.

I was wondering what you use  most to take pictures with?

  • Question of

    Do you use your cell phone?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Sometimes
  • Question of

    Do you prefer the ease of a Point and Shoot Camera?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you use a Bridge Camera? One that has an attached lens but with the capability to shoot in RAW?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I’ve never heard of these.
  • Question of

    A DSLR – Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

17 Points

Written by Kim_Johnson


  1. I used a point and shoot that’s easy to take on my walks. I lost my favorite camera that was smaller — a Nikon Coolpix. So now I have to use a Canon Powershot which is larger, but at least it has a shoulder bag for my walks that will also hold my flip phone. I don’t have a cell phone.

      • I was looking at the nikon coolpix, but didnt want to spend the extra 100 bucks. I really want a Canon T6 or whatever number they are on now. lol. But for now I got the new canon point and shoot, just under 100 dollars. I haven’t had a chance to play with it yet, but soon. Thank you for taking the poll. The responses have been really interesting.
        I haven’t gotten a cell phone yet after my last one died. I am kind of liking not having one.

  2. I used to have a great SLR (before they invented the D bit 🙂 ) but that was several lives ago. I use a $90 bridge camera I got several years ago in Aldi for almost all my photos. My phone’s camera is its weakest point. Useless unless the light is very good.

  3. Im not sure if a Bridge Camera is one with an attachable lens. I have a DSLR camera Canon EOS 7D that has an attachable lens. I got both 2nd hand and they are really good value. I can in the future buy more lenses if I want.

    • Kim called a bridge camera one with an “attached lens”, and I understood that to mean that it was non-detachable. Any bridge camera I’ve owned has been like that anyway.

    • Yes, a bridge is not attachable. The lens doesn’t come off. The 7D is a great camera. My daughter in law has one. So expensive though, I don’t know If I want to trust a refurbished one. I should look though, thank you.

      • My 7 D camera was also brought 2nd hand as with the lens but still in good condition. Im amazed at the prices of attached lenses. I saw one listed a $3,000.00. My attached lens was $100 odd. Expensive enough.

  4. Wonderful poll, Kim! I usually use my phone. This is the most convenient way for me. Sometimes I also use a “Point and Shoot Camera” (I love how this sounds; this is exactly how I take photos since I don’t know much about photography) to zoom in something.

  5. I actually have several cameras that I use (like Carol) depending on what I am shooting. If I intend to share the pictures I can’t use my good camera, the images are too big! For the 365-day photo challenge, I use my cell phone mostly.

    • I have to resize all my photos, so if you use a cell they are smaller and you dont have to resize? I didnt know that. Thanks for replying and taking the poll Doc!

      • The nice thing about the iPhone is you can email the picture and the option to resize the photo is presented automatically! I have thousands of pictures and I have to be careful when resizing, i don’t want to ruin a great picture by saving a resized version.

  6. I use a lot of cameras, depending on the subject. My point and shoot is my favorite. But my Nikon for bluebirds I cannot get close to.

  7. DSLR is too expensive for me, out of my league and needs lots of attention – dry box blah blah… so I stick to my phone hehe

      • Yes, but to be honest, whenever we go on trip, we would bring our digital camera (point to shoot kind) with a little bit of adjustments available …

        But still phone is the most available camera and reflex would make me reach for the phone lol

  8. Excuse the multiple questions, I cannot preview these before I send them. I have asked the admins if they would fix it, It might take a while though. Until then.
