I loved it when my father came home from NSTA (National Science Teacher Association) conventions. I missed him when he wasn’t home. But, and I never would have told him this, I also loved the new jokes he would tell upon returning. NSTA members were creators of dad jokes and other forms of humor. Some bad, but some fun. I enjoyed hearing the humor when dad returned. Back then, when I was little, the world was different. Communication was less rapid then and more expensive. When in the early 1970’s we moved to Thailand calling the US was technically very difficult and also very expensive. I think we called once or twice during the year we were there. The same was true from many of my father’s trips. He couldn’t call. Not like today, when a cell call from Europe to the US, is about three bucks for ten minutes (or less). The value of communication is the cost reduction overall in being able to call. I know, all the times I was outside the US for work, being able to call once or twice a day was a life saver for me emotionally.
The world has evolved, but I wonder if we haven’t taken a turn for the worse in recent days. My new rule for posts I read is if I see fake new used as anything other than a declaration, I stop reading that person’s posts. Fake News, is a creation. It is not real. Journalists work very hard to gather information. If they, like the rest of us, are fed falsehoods, they can only report falsehoods. There is truly no such thing as Fake News. If someone says that to you, understand that what they mean to say is “I don’t like what is being said.”
Fake News is an opinion, not a fact. Saying it doesn’t make you smarter. It doesn’t make the information you don’t like any worse. It just makes all of us a little less open. Personally again, if I see Fake News used as anything other than a post about how bad the concept is, I stop reading that person’s posts. There is no value in using a phrase that means nothing. CNN, ABC, NBC, BBC, CBC and SKY News and others have all been accused. But without a basis or facts to back up the accusation, what is the value of accusing?
Anyway, I miss my dad’s jokes.
Why did the chicken cross the road? To get away from Colonel Sanders (creator of Kentucky Fried Chicken)!
Question of
Are Dad jokes funny?
Question of
Do you find puns funny?
Question of
Do you find puns funny? (Pun is a play on words joke).
Question of
Do you know what a pun is?
Question of
Do you find puns funny?
Question of
Do you find puns funny?
Question of
Do you find puns funny?
Question of
Do you find puns funny?
It does, in fact, seem to be a bug. Although, when building the poll I did rewrite the second question a couple of times, Apparently the system saved all versions…
Even the term “fake news” is lazy and lacks anything even resembling style. It sounds like it was coined by a moron and I don’t know why anybody uses it
Honestly, it appears to be used to deflect attention away from things that were actually said or done. While the fake news is interesting, it isn’t fake news when someone has a video recording of you saying something.
I just don’t know anymore. I read a post from someone that writes here on Virily, where they literally labeled all of CNN’s production as Fake News. I ended up agast and confused.
Lately it seems that fact checking is a thing of the past. When that happens, not only can you lie about anything, you can denounce the truth as a lie. Even where there is evidence to the contrary, if nobody bothers to check the evidence it may as well not exist
Just another example of politicians hijacking the narrative, and the masses blindly following along
Many years ago I was introduced to the philopsnhy, for a business that I still follow to this day. “Do the right things and the money will follow.” I still believe that is the right way to operate.
That is the way it should be, but with monopolies ruining everything nothing logically follows anymore
Well Doc, you know what I think. lol
you love dad jokes! I recall from previous conversations. 🙂
I forgot to add that I do the same thing. I always research before I share something. Sometimes its hard, but most of the time those posts are easy to spot.
yes they are. My concern is the generic labeling of reputable sources as “fake news” for some reason that really got to me this week.
You have great memories of your Dad. Good to see you hold onto the memories. As for the media I will just say it’s not like it used to be. So much cannot believed these days.
I suspect, if you were to consider, the reality is there isn’t much to not be believed. When someone has video or audio evidence, and it is still ignored as “fake news” that is the problem of the person saying it is fake news. The actual news agency has it on recording. How can something that can be reproduced be fake?