Please continue to send messages to the admin team. No posts were approved today. We have authors that have been waiting for as much as 30 days now. The approval process hasn’t gotten to the beginning of the queue, so keep the pressure on the admin team. I know of at least four writers who are still waiting for their posts to be approved. Please let either myself or CaroldDM know. We are collecting names and making sure the admins know that this is a larger group of us that are concerned. I won’t belabor the point; it is awful that we have people waiting more than 20 days to have posts published. So let’s keep the emails flowing to the admin team to let them know.
II did want to bring a comment to the top that was a conversation in my last post. The statement expressed frustration over the ad focused posts that were approved. Those posts have a keyword connection with Google Adsense, which is why they were approved. They are not always articles that are wholly original content, but they are not plagiarized either. They focus on a high target area for Adsense. I don’t find them interesting often, and the writers that share them, seldom if ever, answer comments. I do comment on some of them from time to time to see if they will respond. They have yet to respond. People are on the site for their reasons.
Finally, I will end with an update from my participation in my friend’s study. I have made some of his recommended changes for my Wander project. He says the stories that get the most attraction on other sites are the ones that focus more on life questions rather than life events. His point to me was that while I was at the live event, most of my readers were not. The other two things he has to recommend I change I am considering. I am going to let one sit for the next couple of weeks. I will see if I like the impact it is having on my time. The other thing is the sharing is caring; we still see a bump when people participate in that challenge, so please share and care!
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)
Question of
send an email today to the admins ok?
Question of
Never give up! ok?
Question of
if you have posts pending approval let me or CarolDM know please!!!!
Why has it taken that long? The excuse can’t be the moderators aren’t many. This is how the staff, at times, kill a site. I will send them an email right on.
I agree with your friend. Most posts that receive a good traffic are life questions.
It seems that is truly the case and thanks for sending the email!
Humm, the message doesn’t seem to get through. Although something you said about why the “other” posts are approved is because they are specifically written to draw traffic to adds, if I understand what you wrote. So perhaps tutoring us on how to keep our style but learn to use phrasing that drives more traffic.
I am going to attempt a more creative letter to admins this time.
I will also commit to doing some sharing is caring for extreme projects and see if it is helpful.
well first off what you do helps me always!
i don’t know what they are thinking (admins).
On the SEO side, i am not sure it would be of value overall for the authors that are stuck for the rest of us to embrace that style of writing. I suspect we could do it, but i don’t know the impact it would have.
Well, let’s just skip that then. In fact, it’s probably time for me to let go of things I have no control over and grab some balloons launch them off into the atmosphere and call it day. Keep smiling and have a great day.
PS Sorry my flower post was a disaster.
flower post? did I miss one?
Yes (1 votes) – 100%
Yes (1 votes) – 100%
Yes (1 votes) – 100%
I have two articles pending. One of them was sent 20 days ago
thanks I thought your name should be on my list, sending the email again today!
Thanks a lot. We will see if they answer you or at least approve all the pending articles all of a sudden.
we are trying – we will keep trying!
It is always the case here that approval takes time. We are fortunate to be verified users.
it never took this long at most it was 4-6 days in the past. We’ve had three outages of more than 20 days now.
Sad to see other names on the list I was not aware of.
GIRI, Steve (The Dunce) and at least two others.
Yes I think I have those names.
a couple of writers that were returning (starts with an M and i can’t remember the 4th)
Milenazoran is one I know of.
yes that is the person, there are actually two more and I cannot remember their names.
Nabi Bux is another one and Francisco.
sadly we are well past 4 🙁 but not those two. I will go find the comments tonight/tomorrow morning.