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Mystery Plant Identified

Awhile back I posted about a couple of plants I brought back from my Dad’s last December, after he passed. Nobody could identify what they were. I had planned to plant them in the garden this month. But I found out today they are both weeds. And they have died. 

I moved them to the garage before our frost a few weeks ago. And they did not make it. So I guess I will dispose of them. Very sad to learn they were not of significance. Even if they would have survived, I would have planted a weed in my yard, knowing it was my Dad’s. But neither of the plants (weeds) survived. 

Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it. ~ Lucy Montgomery

Photos ©CarolDM2018

  • Do you remember when I tried identifying this plant awhile back?

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What do you think?

13 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. I do not know whether the root of the plant can grow into a large tree or not because of the shape of the leaves, it resembles leaves from several trees such as tamarind, moringa, or else… or weeds like Phyllanthus.

    Hmmm… it seems that it will last as a mystery.
