Zoe is always full of energy, she is always playing and running up and down. The summer heat seems to have zapped both our dogs of their energy. However, it is always easy to tease Zoe out of her calm by picking up a ball or one of her squeaky toys. Today she won’t eat, or even play with me. She follows me with her eyes most of the time and sometimes gets up to follow me when I move to another floor.
I have a few tricks in the bag, but for one I’ll have to wait for the sun to go down before I use it. We just have to say,’ let’s get your leash’ and she will come all alive and happy once again. The other one is to mention the names of the veggies and fruits she loves. – banana, mango, green beans, tomatoes, carrots all work like magic on her. This perhaps may not work right now. Ice cream maybe the magic word I need to try. For a little dog her vocabulary is quite good I guess.
I know its just the heat that is troubling her, she will be fine in the evening and will clean up her bowl, but for now she has just become a nice little rug at the end of the stairway.
Question of
Are there some words which work like magic on your pet?
Question of
Do you have pets which are moody?
Everyone has an off day every once in a while
Awe, poor girl. I feel ya. I do the same thing when its hot. Luna has issues.. Weather is her fear. She is extremely afraid of wind. Two days ago we had a nice breeze. I wouldnt even call it windy, but she sure did. She clung to my leg, I must of stepped on her toes a half a dozen times. Pets can be moody depending on the breed and pet. You said she likes all those veggies? Try freezing some and giving it to her. Or just making them extra cold in the freezer without freezing. I hope the walk in the evening cheered her up some.
Poor darling Luna. That is an great idea, I will do that , I wonder why I never thought of this before. Thanks a ton.
my daughter’s dog can be very finicky with food, people and the world. She will sometimes slink around the house, avoiding humans.
the rest of the dogs are labs (or a 1/2 lab) and they shrug off frustration!
I wouldn’t call Zoe finicky, I think I need to give her a trim to make her feel more comfortable. Today is kind of okay she is playing or at least keeping her toys with her.
my daughter is a vet tech – she says when dogs get overheated the best thing is lots of water!
When I lived in Latvia my cat Sid knew how to stay cool when the summer got hot. He went out in the garden and crawled under a big leafy bush and stayed there all day. Perhaps Zoe needs some time in front of a big fan.
Sadly we have only a terrace garden and balcony garden which are even hotter, my dogs sit in the a/c room all they time , they are tired despite this.
I don’t have a pet. With this hairstyle is very cute.
The shihtzus are always groomed this way. or their hair gets into they tiny teeth.
True fact. Or like we have been doing around here lately. Theyve all been coming in with extreme matting. We have been shaving them down. Ears and all. You must really take good care of her with that length of coat. Love the pink!
Zoe is adorable. Hope she feels better soon. My cats enjoy the sunshine and warm weather.
Carol the temperature has gone beyond 35*c, they don’t like it anymore. Thanks , Zoe feels much better today, she ate and is playing with her new toy her brother bought her.
Today, Zoe is even cuter than yesterday. Zoe is also very smart.
Yesterday, I had put a picture of Spark, Zoe always keep her hair in place.
Aww, I hope Zoe feels better soon. Sometimes they have these off days. My little dog used to have days like this too, then was as right as rain the following day.
That is right, today she is her spunky self, all happy and cheerful.