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Macro Monday

Best I could do today with a photo on my walk of Mooney’s Bridge North Reserve just behind our place in Buckland’s Beach.

It is hard to stay at home sometimes and not go for a drive to relieve the boredom but only allowed to get supplies from the supermarket when needed due to Covid 19 virusl

It is great in New Zealand that we are allowed to go for a walk as long as it is in our area and we stay 2 metres away from people.

I would say we are both Warwick, Myself and Rui quite well considering the circumstances.

Bees are great, they provide honey for the whole world.

  • How are you coping during covid 19? Well?

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    • No


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12 Points

Written by Pamela Moresby


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  1. I’ve to keep going out due to my job. But I try to do social distancing, which in actual fact is to my benefit due to my social awkwardness :p

    But anyway, I hope everyone is doing fine …
    Some says this is World War 3, and everyone’s common enemy is the virus!!
    Fight on!!

  2. Sometimes I go to the shop every 2 weeks. From home I go to the house of the lady I care for. This is my movement. I have been allergic to wearing rubber gloves. I now wear cotton gardening gloves in my car.Great photo

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