
Just for fun and quote Sunday!!!!

my love of Neil Young’s music began when i was 8. He was and is my all-time favorite singer and songwriter. His newest material done on the porch of his farm, and this one in the barnyard are amazing.

This project rises beyond the horrible pandemic (or the stuff we are dealing with on this site) this work shows that hope is still with us, that dreams can come true. These musicians were alone, they created the song in their homes away from everyone. But it was brought together masterfully to create a vision of what is possible when we worked together!

We will make it past this pandemic, we will make it past the annoying problems on this site. There is hope!

Quote Sunday!

“Words can be like X-rays if you use them properly — they’ll go through anything. You read and you’re pierced.”― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

“Chronic remorse, as all the moralists are agreed, is a most undesirable sentiment. If you have behaved badly, repent, make what amends you can and address yourself to the task of behaving better next time. On no account brood over your wrongdoing. Rolling in the muck is not the best way of getting clean.”― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

Anyone can join the just for fun mashup challenge. Just post a fun video, and then add a second challenge. Today the mashup today includes Just for Fun and Quote Sunday!

This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)

  • as long as we can type there is hope!

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Leave a Reply
  1. Wonderful thoughts. I would add one:
    Hope can be a powerful force.
    Maybe there’s no real magic in it,
    but when you know what that hope is
    and you hold it as a light within you,
    things can happen
    which are almost like magic.
    (Laini Taylor)

  2. What a jam packed post. Loved it all. Neil Young’s new videos are amazing. And the other video filled me with hope. Much needed.

    The quotes are great, new ones for me and they make so much sense. Words are like x-rays. So true.


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