
Love ItLove It

In the light I see reflections of

things that well

once were. 

The light in 

their eyes

for a moment

flickering like a candle


spreading into the room

filling the space around them. Until

there is

nothing but light

and noise.

the Noise goes with the light

as if they

are joined, twins conjoined

to be separated

but only by surgery.

The light

the noise

filling more and

more space

and each time

bringing smiles

as they dance together.

Dinner time…

  • Do you gather light when you can?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. A similar atmosphere in my house at every opportunity to eat together, lunch or especially more often was dinner, with all the stories of my oldest daughter and her loud laugh, interspersed with Blue and Susie who meow for rations, which although not as busy as my daughter, but can make other members participate in voices.

  2. My fam (meaning my travel buddies composed of my sister, cousins, nephews and nieces) are a rowdy group during meal time. It is one of the reasons I never want to miss a family vacay. Because I will miss the light and the noise delight ?
