Walt Disney’s creation, Mickey Mouse, made his official debut onto the silver screen on November 18, 1928, in the movie Steamboat Willie. Since his arrival in the world of cartoons, the iconic Disney character has been put on keychains, birthday cakes, apparel and millions of little children don his ears atop their head every year.
Sketches unearthed from the Disney archives have been revealed for the first time to mark Mickey Mouse’s milestone birthday and illustrate just why the world fell in love with him.
It was 90 years ago today that Mickey starred in his first big screen encounter – Steamboat Willie.
Mickey Mouse has been around for 90 years. Unbelievable. He does not look a day over…. ten. Ha he looks great for 90. Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse!
Pixabay Photo
Did you know Mickey Mouse turned 90 today?
All the best Mickey Mouse
Oh I didn’t know that it’s so old.
Yes he has been around forever. 🙂
Happy birthday Mickey Mouse.
I loved cartoon with Mickey and Mini.
They were like the perfect couple.
My son loved Mickey Mouse
What great memories you have.
The audience continues to grow old and change but not with Mickey Mouse.
I know, Mickey always looks very good for his age. 🙂
I saw on the TV that Mickey Mouse has tuned 90. I can’t believe it! I love Mickey Mouse!
I know, it doesn’t seem real right! 90 years.