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Golden Sunset

Sharing a sunset from my deck from days gone by. This was a sunset of gold. Amazing how there are different colors and the clouds make a big difference.

More of the little things to enjoy. 

Life does not come with instructions on how to live, but it does come with trees, sunsets, smiles and laughter, so enjoy your day. ~Debbie Shapiro


  • Sunsets and sunrises are something to witness every chance you get, agree?

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19 Points

Written by Carol DM


    • It was very magical indeed to witness Kim. The sun moves this time of year! It sets over closer to the houses in the neighborhood. No straight view from my deck unit later in the year.

  1. The golden sunset is so far, so perfect and magical.

    There is much to seek, each day, golden sunsets are one of those things when they come!
