
Love ItLove It

Goal ~ Patience

I love this picture and probably not because of the reasons that many might be drawn to it. She is doing her best to be patient as we waits for her dreams to arrive in the middle of a dirt road, and yet it is clear to me that she is not really patient waiting.

These past few weeks I have become more impatient with my family. I have been stepping back and trying to wait for them to make decisions, and I am the only one who has a work schedule. Although it’s posted all over the place, no one seems to get it.

I need to step back and look at things from a new perspective and work on “my” patience and the way I give my opinions, ideas, instructions and requests to my family. 

This going to take some time and a lot of practice.

  • Question of

    Do you get tired of “Hurry up and Wait”?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you have any tips for practicing patience?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. There’s nothing I hate worse than “hurry up and wait”…well maybe one other thing. I’m always the one that’s ready to go; and my husband isn’t. I like to get things set up to get done right away; but my husband doesn’t. I finally had to just step back, take a deep breath and realize that he’s not going to change; and getting impatient will only raise my blood pressure…so I practice patience and go with the flow.