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Fast, easy and tasty

This is a recipe that I like very much. The main products are strips of bacon and rice. For the vegans the bacon can be replaced with strips of grilled toast grilled. I will share the recipe:

400 grams of bacon

200 grams of rice

2-3 tablespoons of buckthorn

1 number of medium sized crown head

2-3 cloves of garlic

100 grams of pea from a can

300 grams of marinated mushrooms

1 medium pepper (red or green). Whatever you prefer.

salt to taste

1/2 link chopped parsley

planted cheese for sprinkling.

Fry all vegetables together. Add 2 teaspoons of water to them. When the water starts to pour the rice. We turn on very low fire to readiness. Sprinkle with salt and sow to cool a little.

We pre-covered the shape with bacon strips. This can be seen in picture 2.

Bake for about 10 minutes in a preheated oven. Then we remove it and turn it around. It only fits the bottom of the cake form. Sprinkle with yellow cheese and return to the oven for about 5-8 minutes.

Enjoy your meal.

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19 Points

Written by lacho59


  1. Amazing! Just curious. This is regular pork bacon, right? It’s not turkey bacon or some other substitute. My kids buy turkey bacon but I’m not that crazy about it.

  2. I have to go look up buckthorn to see what it is! It is illegal in in the state where I grew up and oh, my, many websites say it is poisonous and that no parts of the plant are edible. They must be talking about a different plant. I remember when people here in the US used to think that the leaves of tomato plants were poisonous, but I always ate them. I love tomato leaves!
