
Donald Trump – Mexico Wall

Donald Trump plans to build a wall to Mexico to stop the arrival of new immigrants into the country. The main reason is the cheaper workforce, which often works without a permit, which takes jobs in the domestic population. Such practice leads to a high unemployment rate and an increase in state issuance for social cases. Also, many Mexicans are linked to crime, especially with drug cartels.

  • Question of

    Do you think the wall is a good solution?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Will the Mexicans find a new way of entering the country?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you think any other solution would be better?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

13 Points

Written by mrki


  1. Well, remember you asked. First of all the purpose of a wall would not be ” stop the arrival of new immigrants”,t would be to slow the arrival of illegal immigrants and drug trafficking. I have no idea how effective it would be. I am not in favor of tax dollars going to build a wall. With that being said, if Donald Trump wants to pay for it I am fine if he uses his money to build his wall.

  2. It is probably a case of “mind your own business”, given that I am British and the problem is an American one, but surrounding your country with physical barriers does not strike me as a very clever idea. I seem to remember a previous American president demanding that the wall in Berlin be torn down, so this does seem to be a throwback to old thinking, if nothing else.

    Apart from that – as you suggest by your questions – it won’t do what Trump thinks it will do. (and apologies for the “Trump thinks” oxymoron!)

    • Okay, I’ll take your bait. First please read my comment below and then finish this one. I’ll wait……Trump does think, it may not be very productive and yet he thinks. The wall we had they built catapults to fling over the top of the wall and actually welded these to the wall. So what we are doing and have done in the past is not working. We need to do things differently.

      Any suggestions that have nothing to do with the obvious, and probably well deserved, disdain for Donald Trump?

      • One question must be – is Mexican immigration as a big a problem as some people seem to think? Are Mexicans actually swamping America and stealing jobs? Or is that just a popular myth?

        Another thought would be that many Mexicans are seeking to flee Mexico because they feel unsafe given the violence engendered by the drug trade and the cartels that run it. And why is that trade so pervasive? Because the chief market for the drugs is in the United States. If the demand for drugs is reduced – by getting a grip on the social problems that drive it – then the trade will be less productive and the violence diminish. With less violence, fewer Mexicans will wish to flee north to avoid it. This suggests that the solution to the problem of Mexican immigration – assuming that it is really such a large problem – lies ultimately in American hands and does not involve building walls to deal with a symptom of the problem rather than its root cause.
