Robin Biznis December 11.2019 Belgrade, Serbia
I was drawn to this poll by two newspaper articles from today’s newspaper.Both articles write about a similar situation.To read the first story.
In one city in central Serbia, an on-duty police officer tried to rush a vehicle for traffic control.Instead of stopping, the driver added gas to the car trying to escape because he knew he already had a driving ban.However, he muddled in and then hit the parked car.So he was caught and his blood alcohol was measured at the hospital.Its value was 2.79 ‰Second case.
In our famous spa, a driving driver was stopped.How he gave signs of drunkenness and his blood alcohol was measured.A whopping 4.21 ‰ alcohol was measured.The driver was disconnected from the traffic and taken to a sob.He will be taken to the offending judge the next day.Our law states that heavy drinking occurs when alcohol levels exceed 2.5 ‰3.5 leads to who, for some, a lethal dose can be between 4.5-5‰ of blood alcohol.Our law for professional drivers provides for zero tolerance, while for ordinary citizens it is 0.2 ‰ of alcohol.In other countries, no penalties likely help people who are unaware that drunk people should not get in a car and use it.Usually, the innocent suffer.
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Question of
Do you drive when under the influence of alcohol?
Question of
Can harsher fines get rid of drivers?
Question of
Can harsher fines get rid of drivers?
Question of
Can harsher fines get rid of drivers?
Question of
Can harsher fines get rid of drivers?
Question of
Can harsher fines get rid of drivers?
Question of
Can harsher fines get rid of drivers?
Alcohol, in moderation, is good for your health (around 1 ounce no more per day). But alcohol and driving is bad, with only one drink.
Not a drink is good for driving, that’s right.
But imagine a man driving with so much alcohol in his blood?
I’d rather die.
My wife and I have a rule about driving. If one of us has a drink, the other drives. Even one drink can be enough.
If I happen to have a drink, then my wife drives.
It must.
Even by law, I have to sit in the back.
in the US they are not that strict. 1 drink for a man puts your blood level of 0.045
or less than the legal limit.
That of course is only in the 15 minutes after the drink is consumed.
My friend, what kind of alcoholics are driving here and only in Russia.
They kill innocent people, trample on them, but there is a traffic mafia that finds the least possible punishment for them, even if they are the children of politicians, wealthy, powerful, there is no help.
In our country it is crime drinking alcohol while driving
But does anyone drive under the influence of alcohol?
4.51% blood alcohol level? surprised he didn’t just pass out…
I need to sleep after 2 beers!
This chova has a strong organism and resistance to alcohol.
most folks need their stomach pumped at less
To be able to tie the belt.
Is it not made of beer?
folks die from alcohol poisoning
I am a safety driver and I always observe the rules and regulations of the road.
That’s very good. You don’t put yourself or others at risk.
I do not drink (or very rarely on special occasion like Christmas and New Year) and I do not drive and I do not even know how to drive. But as an ex registered nurse I have seen my fill of accidents caused by drunken drivers on other persons or themselves. I am so sick and tired of seeing drunk and high (with drugs) people behind a wheel, it makes me sick. All those that were found guilty should be banned from driving for life. No reprieve at all. It would take a lot of vehicles off the road and would make them safer… up to a certain degree.
I agree.
People who are alcoholics or drug users will get in the car no matter what.
If they are at liberty they are a potential danger.
They think of neither the law nor the consequences.
I do not drink, but many do and lives are often taken sadly.
Thank tou very much,
Better take a taxi or drive someone else.
I don’t drink alcohol so I have no problems driving.
Very well.Thank you very much nela.