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Disadvantages of ‘Plan B’

We have been reading up to now that whenever starting a new job, a backup plan or plan B must be kept in mind. That is, if the circumstances or results do not turn out as expected, then another plan can be implemented.

But do you know the disadvantages of making Plan B?

When you create a Plan B, your attention is split randomly and the focus you just need to give to your main goal is split into Plan A and Plan B.

Plan B can also spread your thoughts and ideas and if Plan B is present, the idea cannot be made in your mind that whatever it is, you just have to succeed.

If you really want to succeed in your goal so you need to burn all your boat and take a start, as if it were a matter of life and death . Plan B, C or D should not be kept in mind at all.

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What do you think?

22 Points


  1. I completely disagree with you. Sometimes plans fall through no matter how much you focus on them, and in those times if you don’t have a contingency then you’re horked