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Dangerous shark with electric saw in the mouth

There are different types of animate on our planet, some of which are in front of our eyes, while some are hidden. Unseen to our eyes are those creatures that have not yet been discovered or it is used to be in the old ancient time and now they are gone and now the remains of these creatures surprise the experts.

One such shark has frightened experts with electric saws in his mouth. This shark named Helicoprion and these were found 25 million years ago in our oceans. The shark was 35 feet long and its front teeth were such that they rotated in the form of an electric saw. The upper part of this shark’s mouth was empty of teeth so it could easily be adjust in his mouth.

So far, we have only seen such animals in science fiction films, now, however, these animals also prove to be present, So fortunately it can be said that this dangerous shark disappeared millions of years ago.

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