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Can our planet exist without insects?

I am very scared of insects. And spiders. Although maybe the word “fear” is not very appropriate here. I know that these little creatures will do nothing for me, and they are probably not deadly poisonous in our country. Well, but to me, they are so cozy, they cause such unpleasant feelings. I will admit that I have caused quite a few dramas and hysteria in my home by detecting such a multi-legged creature.

It’s no wonder the book of Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson “Insektenes planet” about insects has lied unread on the shelf for a while too – the cover is certainly not one of those very enticing. But I challenged myself and took up this beetle book. And it started to amaze me! It has been so interesting reading!

In a way, the book promised me to prove that our planet could hardly exist without insects. I already knew that if bees disappear, the world would have a tragedy, and it turned out to be true about all insects! No matter how small, sometimes unnoticeable, and sometimes accompanied by loud screams, but … but they make a powerful contribution to our well-being!

We have heard hundreds of times that insects can become our future food, but did you know that we even have some flavors thanks to them? Mustard, peppermint, rosemary? These plants distinguished their specific taste precisely when protecting themselves from insects, and we can enjoy it in our dishes.

Did you know that bumblebees can be trained and bee language is one of the most unique and intelligent in the world? For me, this was absolutely staggering news. And as for spiders … those who fear them, stop reading.

Every year, all the spiders in the world eat 400 – 800 million tons of meat together. So, if to calculate, they could eat all the people in the world without being saturated. Thank God, they choose different meat. 

The book also provides more scientific information on the structure and classification of insect bodies, but the author does not play with terms and gives everything in an easy and understandable way. And this whole book is a collection of interesting, really not always pleasant, but increasingly surprising, and incredible facts that are sure to change at least some of the attitudes to which people often refuse to look.

© Fortune, 2020

  • Can our planet exist without insects?

    • Yes
    • No


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