Datura stramonium is a highly toxic plant. All parts of the tattoo are highly poisonous. In larger doses, taking it is even deadly. Contains alkaloids that cause hallucinations when small amounts of tattoo are cooked, eaten or smoked. It is used as a more unpleasant alternative to cannabis and other intoxicants, but the exact dose of seeds for hallucinations cannot be determined because it is different for each person. Even a few micrograms more can lead to a fatal end. Daturine derived from tatul is an alkaloid contained in Stramonium, a medicine taken by asthmatics to relieve bronchial spasms.
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Did you know that Datura stramonium is a poisonous plant?
wonderful picture and dangerous plant! I always find it interesting when a delicate flower like this is dangerous!
Interesting but the facts prove it.
I did not know th name but it looks like another plant here that is also poisonous
I agree that there are other beautiful but poisonous plants and flowers
Yes. This plant was talked about in the good old days
This plant is known even during the time of our grandmothers.
I didn’t know that, thanks for sharing. I had it on the terrace a few years ago
It really is very toxic. There is a novel in its classics with its name.
Stunning bloom! Sort of like an orchid.
It grows like weed in the meadows.
I’ve never know this plant is so toxic!
Thanks for the information!
I’m glad I found it helpful to learn something new.
Great Information here , I never know this before
Now you know what plant this is
I have a purple double layered datura at home. I am very particular that pets and children don’t get near it.
Animals have a greater sense of smell and smell than humans.
Many beautiful things are toxic, dear friend … beautiful girls are also toxic haha
It seems to me that you have been harmed by some toxic beautiful girl.?????
Fortunately not, dear Elenka …. but I know what that looks like
Good to receive and get this information even though I have never seen this flower here in Canada…. Thanks for posting…
It’s weed. You can see it in the meadows.
Thank you very much lacho.
Yes i know.
Beauty and poison.
I’m glad one person knows.
I don’t know about that, thanks for sharing information.
Now you know that sometimes there is poison in beauty too.