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Beach Treasures ~ Black & White Friday

Sharing a photo for today’s Black & White Friday challenge. I have shared this photo in color in the past. These are shells Dustin and I gathered while at the beach years ago. 

Special shells I will always treasure. More of the little things that get me through life. 

Memories, I could not survive without them.

Photo ©CarolDM

  • Do you have favorite memories that make you smile every day?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

24 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. Yes, we used to collect shells for shell boxes and we gave them away as gifts,
    Actually, my eldest sister Janet got to make the shell boxes, just collected shells.
    Later on in life, I made my own shell box.

  2. I have this mirror with shell work on it. I bought it while we were holidaying in Goa. A lady was selling such mirrors. She had done that work herself.

  3. I had been to the market early morning today and I saw some shell food that I wanted. However, my wife said that no one wants those shell food so we settled for pork tails.
