Yes. I think its a good idea to gather everyone’s thoughts after a major update from Virily.
I panicked the first day I noticed the changes because there was no more Latest Category. Since then this has been added along with some really cool stuff.
Take this poll to find out what others think and have noticed.
Question of
Do you like change?
This is too broad of a subject to answer yes or no.
Yes, bring it on.
No, not really.
I would like to comment below.
Question of
Do you like the new layout?
Yes, its easy to use.
No, not really.
I would like to comment more on this below.
Question of
Have you noticed the most commented posts on the side?
Yes, and I think its a great idea.
Yes, but I liked how it was before.
No, I haven’t noticed this yet.
I want to comment below.
Question of
Have you noticed the most shared posts in the same area?
Yes, I think its a great idea.
Yes, but I liked the way it was.
No, I haven’t noticed yet.
Comment below.
Question of
Are there any changes you’ve noticed?
Question of
Are there any changes you’ve noticed?
Yes, my comment is below
It seems that I have missed some of the changes, thanks for sharing!
Glad I could point them out. Thank you!
Great points everyone made. I think the consensus is we need to have a delete all notification, and everyone seems generally pleased with the new update. Good going Virily Admins! We shall await the next new update, hopefully with the option to delete all notifications.
I have noticed changes….and some are good. I just wish we could delete all notifications again. Great poll, love the photos!
Seems like this needs to be an option. I am sure they will make it happen.
Yes, it was nice to be able to do that in the past….so having it back would be great.
Overall feels like an improvement! I delete them 20 at a time…
As do I, but it would be great to be able to delete all, especially for the people that have fallen behind.
never knew about most of the changes until NOW and thank you.
Ha, well now you know of some. I am sure there are many others.
I don’t often go to the home page right away, so I only found out about the changes because of this poll!
Thanks for taking the poll, I was wondering if there were more than just the ones I noticed.
I see and realize many changes over time
Yes you do, and just ride it like a rivers tide. Good job man!
I must be oblivious, I hadn’t noticed any of the new things
lol, I am on a computer with a huge screen. Makes it easier to see stuff.
I’ve got a large screen as well, but I multitask so it is inevitable that I’d miss some things…
Virily is more professional looking now like the other site I worked for a while ago. Loved the pictures for each question.
Yes, I think so too. Thanks for your input, and compliment!
I agree with Elenka, we need to delete all notifications. I have 85k!
I am sure they are trying to implement this. This happened to me on Tsu, and the admins had to delete them for me.
It would help as I know they are taking up space.
The site feels more reliable and seems not to be down as often now as it was. Overall feels like an improvement!
Yes, they have done a great job. Thanks for taking the poll.
Happy to, thanks for sharing!
I forgot to say that they should be color-coded in the Last Lost Posts menu. Now, in a hurry, I repeated one again. And he will report it as negative. That’s why I wrote many times, but unfortunately no one paid attention
I know they pay attention and will make this happen.. just when is what we don’t know. I totally agree with you as you see most of us think this would be a great option. Color and the ability to delete all. Thanks so much for all your input. I intentionally waiting a few days to respond to all.
I do not like the option to delete all notifications. I do not have time to delete every page. For now I have left them. And they are 2258.
I delete them 20 at a time, keeping the ones I need to act on for later. I have 152 at the moment
Paul you can delete them by clicking on the word notification and then scroll down and click delete and then apply and they are all gone then
Ha, I never thought of doing this. I think its a great idea.
It is super easy to fall behind and you have brought up a very valid point. I hope they have this soon.