First of all, would like to let you know that this is a food. 😛
It’s always a challenge to get the kids to eat enough portion for growing healthy, thus the cook have to make some magic on the food served.
This was one that I have made: a smiling face that made of a mushroom.
The face was on top of the porridge.
The kids enjoyed it, luckily. Test, passed! Phew!
Do you make fun on your food?
Not anymore but all the time when my boys were younger.
Yes, so true, fun time with kids when they were young.:P
Making figures on food is getting popular now.
Oh ya, thanks for telling, show us please.
It is a good way to get a child to eat. 🙂
Hahahaha great fun ….
so true, just for fun with the kids.
That’s cute! I couldn’t think it’s mushroom. What are the eyes made of?
I rarely make cute food for my kids, as I am too lazy for that. Moreover, if they don’t like to eat that kind of food, they just don’t eat it no matter how I make them, unless I cook with different recipe that they can accept the taste.
I think I made the eyes with black sesames. Your kids don’t like porridge? Mine one only started to accept it this year.
Nope, my kids like porridge, except my youngest. Though he doesn’t really eat much, he still eats it. What I meant is there are some food my kids don’t eat, such as eggplants, bitter gourds. I don’t force them to eat these “extreme food”, but for some vegetables, such as cabbages, bell peppers, even if they don’t really like it, I still force them to eat a little bit. I just force or convince them, but don’t decorate the food. My girl doesn’t like to eat garlic, onion or ginger, I always chop into tiny pieces and she might not notice even if she has eaten it. I only managed to “convince” my elder two children to eat what they don’t really like when they are older now, but not my youngest. To my youngest, sometimes I just tell a short story to make him eat something. 😛