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A smiling face

First of all, would like to let you know that this is a food. 😛

It’s always a challenge to get the kids to eat enough portion for growing healthy, thus the cook have to make some magic on the food served.

This was one that I have made: a smiling face that made of a mushroom.

The face was on top of the porridge.

The kids enjoyed it, luckily. Test, passed! Phew!


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What do you think?

15 Points

Written by tiada


  1. That’s cute! I couldn’t think it’s mushroom. What are the eyes made of?

    I rarely make cute food for my kids, as I am too lazy for that. Moreover, if they don’t like to eat that kind of food, they just don’t eat it no matter how I make them, unless I cook with different recipe that they can accept the taste.

      • Nope, my kids like porridge, except my youngest. Though he doesn’t really eat much, he still eats it. What I meant is there are some food my kids don’t eat, such as eggplants, bitter gourds. I don’t force them to eat these “extreme food”, but for some vegetables, such as cabbages, bell peppers, even if they don’t really like it, I still force them to eat a little bit. I just force or convince them, but don’t decorate the food. My girl doesn’t like to eat garlic, onion or ginger, I always chop into tiny pieces and she might not notice even if she has eaten it. I only managed to “convince” my elder two children to eat what they don’t really like when they are older now, but not my youngest. To my youngest, sometimes I just tell a short story to make him eat something. 😛