
Wqnder project what my father saw (and taught me)

More pictures of the Wisconsin River, there are a few more to come. As I’ve said, both my father and grandfather loved the river pictures near the Dells.  My father was a huge believer in doing the right things when it is easy, but also when it is hard. The importance of doing the right things permeated my father’s life and showed in the pictures he took. Some of these pictures are hard to get to, but the importance of the picture meant he took the time. It is something that applies to life. If you can’t be honest with yourself then who can you be honest with?  What we build as people can at times go away forever. I think back to the line from the Percy Blythe Shelley Poem “Ozymandias.

“Look upon my works ye mighty and despair.”

The Wisconsin River flows past Wisconsin Dells, shockingly the section near where the Dells is located in a Dell. A valley filled with trees. Now the Wisconsin River cut the Dell, to make the Dells. Humans have since stepped in adding a dam for flood control. It is the area just down the Wisconsin River from Wisconsin Dells. In that area lies some of the largest cheese producing areas of the United States. California is the largest US Cheese producer, but Wisconsin is a close second. Interestingly there is also a lot of farmers with one plot of Tobacco growing as well. You can always tell a farm with Tobacco because they have the barn with open slats to air dry the Tobacco to be sent to factories and turned into the filler.

The interesting reality of tobacco farms today is the US Government pays the farmer not to grow the plant. Perhaps Virily should consider the same rules. To get a payment, you can’t post comments about communication and things like that.

I will end with a story my father shared with me many years ago. There was a football coach in the 1960s at Indiana University that cheated, and got Football, Basketball, and Swimming along with other sports banned from competing for titles for four years. It cost Indiana University one of its greatest teams. But, if you cheat you have to be willing to pay the price. My father always told me if you cheat, you have to be willing to pay the price.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!