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Wander project Kristiansand Norway

Kristiansand was our third stop in Norway. Gelsinger was the first stop; the trip down a Fjord was amazing. We wandered around the small town, then back to the ship. As we left the harbor at Gelsinger, the ship’s speakers blared Italian Opera.  I have to say for a second, my wife, daughter, and I was a little taken aback by the music blaring from the speakers! The highlight of the first stop was the addition to Captain Lars to our family. Oh yeah and the bakery.

The second stop was Bergen and the Vertical Train. Ok, the highlight for the kids was the bakery. For my wife and me, it was the fantastic Salmon Sandwich and lunch. Overall a wonderful 2nd stop! The last stop was Kristiansand. The Ship arrived, and there was a band there to welcome us, and a Moose. We never did find out why the moose was there. But, there was a moose there. Not a live moose mind you, but none-the-less a moose.

We started our Tour of Kristiansand on the trolley/train. Around the edges of the town and then into the commercial district. Our first stop was GameStop. Yes, the twins and our daughter were jonesing for their video games! We also went into the coolest bookstore. That was the most amazing thing for me; the bookstore was the coolest. I always love an old bookstore, where you have to ask the owner or salesperson where a type of book is!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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