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Wander project (images of Seattle) see, where you are going!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. We lived in Auburn for a few months and made the most of seeing Seattle when my husband was on contract at Boeing. Most of your shots seem to be from the water, while all my views of Seattle were from land. It seems a lot has changed since 1988 when we were last there. I never saw much of the waterfront. Thanks for your great photos of it.

    • Seattle is a growing and changing city! One of the companies I worked with was based right on the puget sound so I was often there. If I wasn’t near the water, I was in Redmond all the time. Less water other than the two lakes that sandwich the campus of MSFT.

  2. Beautiful photos Doc, I have never been to Seattle.
    I will have to visit again the system is kicking me out
    when I try posting on individual photos.
