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Visit to the Auckland Zoo- Part One

The first photo in the title is a New Zealand Fur Seal. For some its the only Fur seal they have seen. It reminds me of an old man with a beard and whiskers. There is a pond for them to swim in. Not many were swimming when I was there. 

I like Zoos because they have animals there I would not be able to see and our Zoo staff are kind and good with the animals. They are never bored and they are kept in a natural life as much as possible. 

These are Australian Wallabies, some run wild in New Zealand. I am not sure where they are. I have heard of them in Rotorua but never seen them in the wild.

Here is an Australian Emu, a little smaller than the Ostrich but a very large bird.You can walk through the Australian section and meet the animals and birds.

You walk into a type of tent that has 2 doors entrance and exit to meet the Australian bird life. This one is the Gouldian Finch. 

One Lounge Lizard in Lizard lane. Its waiting for flying insects.

I was being watched by a Bell Bird in a New Zealand Alpine section . This was inside a tent with the environment it lives in plus a fresh water stream. There were Whio Ducks in it otherwise known as Blue Ducks. These are rare and endangered species.

Never underestimate this bird. It’s a rare and endangered species called the “Kea”. They killed sheep. They destroy metal objects and eat trampers food items by going into their belongings. Have been shot in the past as they were considered pests. However, they are cute endearing birds. Watch out, they do bite.

This is like but unlike the Kea, its called a “Kaka” and lives in forests. Its a very much endangered species. He was eating something when I saw him.

A melodic New Zealand Saddleback you won’t meet in mainland New Zealand. It eats berries, nectar and bugs, its not a Wood pecker. There was a pair of them in this tent. They won’t survive in the mainland cats and rats and ferrets, weasels and stoats kill them they have no chance.

Kakariki Parrot with red crest. Lives in the same tent as the 2 above, like the others no chance in the mainland they are an endangered species.

Rarely ever photographed a New Zealand Wood pigeon or Kereru flying. It was in the same tent, it can survive in some places on the mainland. They used to be eaten by the Maoris for food but now it is illegal tegal. A lovely bird. Just very beautiful.

This is the largest pigeon in all the world and its native to New Zealand . The puriri tree can only grow from a seed that has gone through the insides of a Kereru or Woodpigeon like this.

This is only part of my Auckland Zoo visit. It took 2 hours to walk through and there are more exhibits being built as I write this . So I will go back again when that is finished.


What do you think?

13 Points

Written by Pamela Moresby


    • Yes Hamza, I am a New Zealand 5-6th generation. My ancestors were from mainly Britain. We are like but unalike Britain.
      Like Britain, New Zealand is very green, but not when a drought is on.
      Glad you like the Zoo.
      Thanks so much.

  1. Great potpourri of birds and animals. I especially like the wallabies. The birds, although endangered in the wild, seem to thrive there. Congratulations to the zoo personnel for all their hard work. Thank you for introducing us to these different animals and birds.
