@DocAnderson came up with an excellent idea on the gripe thread about having a user maintained bug tracking system. I have decided to introduce it and maintain the list
Below is my example of how to file a bug report- try to describe the issue as clearly as possible. List out the steps to reproduce this bug when applicable. Use links whenever you can and avoid speculating on the cause unless you have a programming background…
You can also write up a standalone defect report and link it here with the hashtag #bugtracking
#1 damn those bugs
Not all new posts appear in the latest posts category. The expected result is that every new post will be included in this list
This does not happen to all users, and may only be happening to verified users
#2 metrics stop updating at the beginning of the month
#3 #2 Quiz/Poll bugs!
1. Edited questions or answers may not be registered on the first save. So multiple saves is needed for questions/answers to show correctly.
2. Results generated always missing the last row "81-100%" (or it appears as 0-100% instead) after published or saving. Need multiple saves (more than 8-10 saves) to get it to show correctly.
3. Sometimes you're not allowed to add a new option/answer to a question unless you save it first... (happens to me)
I hope that these bugs could be solve. At least not too many saves needed.
Each bug should be a separate issue. I didn’t call this out but each problem should have a unique bug report associated with it, because they will each require an individual fix…
please read the good doctor’s post about OS flavors and browser types before writing a bug
So all the bugs are still pending approval? I suppose that is one way to keep the bug count down…
Better late than never, I suppose…
The lack of admin support for this thread leads me to believe it was always an exercise in futility, but I had no way of knowing that before I posted it
You got totally owned. It seems like the policy here is that users should be seen and not heard
If she’s specific, then it should be simple to determine the veracity of what she wrote. Ambiguity is where all the problems arise…
Specific is the opposite of ambiguous. If you mean specific, please use that word. Avoid sarcasm, you just confuse me with your implementation
I can’t tell when you’re being sarcastic, which is why I suggested you avoid it
Possibly, but I deal with a lot of ESL and it usually isn’t this much of a problem for me…
My perspective is quite broad, you are simply being difficult
funny, you’re the only one who says that…
Since your premise is based upon the ad populum fallacy, your conclusion is faulty. Also, cite another example of someone who must also explain something to me ten times…
I notice you’ve failed to cite another example of someone who needs to explain themselves to me repeatedly
You made an accusation and now you refuse to back it up
Just admit it- you are the only one who needs additional explanations. Quit pretending you have company…
if it happens constantly, then it shouldn’t be a problem for you to provide an example
no, you made a claim and then refused to support it. You’re still refusing to support it…
You claimed that other folks have to explain things to me ten times and then you’ve been running from that accusation ever since. Either cite an example or admit you were lying
We’ll see how it goes. Everything I’ve seen is intermittent or goes away before I get around to figuring it out.
Yeah, I figure the code velocity around here is pretty fierce
Carol is right this should stay featured for awhile.
Unless some other folks start adding bugs then it doesn’t have much of a point…
This is a wonderful effort and a great team-player effort
Hopefully I can get some other folks to pitch in…
If I can do it right, I sure will. I bookmarked this, just in case.
If you need a hand, just PM me. I used to train folks to do this for a living…
My concern so far – being new and everything is when things don’t update. My earnings screen hasn’t updated all month.
I suppose they could just google a bug picture, the important thing is that they report the issues so these things can be ranked
So to be clear, you say you’ve added a bug report to this thread? Can you see it, because I can’t…
Also, did you indicate it only allowed you to add one item? Hopefully that is actually one at a time
it is still a fairly serious bug. even if they don’t know the value of a viril yet, they should still be reporting how many virlis you have
Of course it has to do with the value of the viril, because that is what the dashboard is tracking. That is the only metric the dashboard is concerned with….
It doesn’t really matter what either of us thinks, it only matters if the bug gets fixed
This is fantastic Alex. I hope everyone will join in the gripe/bug session.
It would be for the benefit of all if they did
This post needs to stay featured on the home page.
I wonder if that is even possible…
Who knows in this crazy place? We cannot get answers to anything. No communication.
Alex this is a great start! Thanks so much for starting this process!!!!
Help me out and add a bug report, please