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Evaluating and Updating Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing continues evolving. Previous strategies no longer work. Failure to embrace this change keeps you from getting ahead of your competition.

Evaluating Your Digital Marketing Activities

Knowing where you went wrong is important. Learning where to find this vital information is even more important though. With this in mind, some metrics you’ll definitely want to pay attention to include:

1. Identify your target KPI (Key Performance Indicator)

2. Take a look at your website’s traffic and sales so you get to know your customers

3. Use Google Analytics to track and measure your metrics

4. Survey your website’s visitors to make sure they’re happy with what you’re providing them

5. Track everything: ROI, conversions, market share, and sales

Knowing When to Change Your Digital Media Strategy

Interestingly enough, you can change your digital marketing strategies on the fly. This isn’t something you want to continually engage in, though. Instead, consider these 5 signs which show it’s time to change your digital marketing strategy:

1. Focusing on low-value metrics such as impressions and clicks isn’t good. This information only tells you about your visibility. You need to know about the accuracy of your strategies.

2. Focusing on your brand name is great but don’t overdo it. Make sure your content is educational, focusing on your customers’ problems and needs so you target them at the most crucial part of their journey.

3. Over-focusing on keywords without creating relevant content gets you nowhere with Google. This search engine doesn’t care how many times you plaster a keyword in your content. If you’re not providing value to your readers, you’ll get nowhere with your listings.

4. Relying on your instincts instead of objective data is a sure way to failure. After all, what worked yesterday probably won’t work tomorrow.

5. Failing to integrate with traditional channels is another dead-end. While magazine ads and roadside signage make great additions to any marketing campaign, you also need to think digitally.

Repositioning Your Business

Now you see where your digital marketing strategy needs some help it’s time to reposition your business. A few basic things you must remember as you do so include:

1. Listen more than you speak. Talk to your customers in an authoritative and helpful way. Use their language to effectively educate them.

2. Remain transparent and honest. This helps build up customer loyalty.

3. Get to know your competitors so you can learn from them. This requires some creativity and open-mindedness on your part since you’ll need to try new technologies.

4. Use testimonials to show your customers you’re the best.

As the online digital marketing landscape continues changing, it’s important for your strategy to keep up. With this information, you’re now powerful enough to truly take your business to the next level.


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Written by Brenda Marie H