A lot of people don’t know that San Diego has it’s own volcano that was active 15 million years ago.
The name is Calavera Volcano, and is located in Carlsbad, North San Diego County, California. Just across a valley from where I live. It’s a great place to hike and check out a little history.

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What you see in the photos is what is called a plug.

A volcanic plug, also called a volcanic neck or lava neck, is a volcanic object created when magma hardens within a vent on an active volcano. When present, a plug can cause an extreme build-up of pressure if rising volatile-charged magma is trapped beneath it, and this can sometimes lead to an explosive eruption.
This plug you see contains a fine – grain Basalt which actually clogged the volcano’s throat. After it’s last eruption, the cone slowly eroded, leaving only the plug which is pictured.

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Check out the people on the top for size reference.

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San Diego County has it’s own Volcano.

Hope you enjoy!
you did end up with the javascript code for images in the repost.
See what I mean? I don’t even know how I did it. I did hit save draft, after I did that, it showed. I couldnt get rid of it, and was hoping it was just on my end. Thanks for letting me know it isn’t just me. Thanks Doc.
it isn’t just you.
your process was go to post
save to drafts
and then post?
Yes. Those are the steps I took. I found something new. lol Of course I did… sighs
2 things different maybe.
was the original a gallery?
I have only done technical posts. Let me try a high view wander and see what I get today.
I am not sure. I use list mostly now. Back then I was still trying them all out.
i have stayed away from the ones with pictures, as recreating the original would take a lot of time
Are you planning to climb it and share a photo showing that you conquered it
Challenge excepted! I’m on this. I have been wanting to do this for awhile now. I will post it when I do. I am thinking next week, if weather permits.
Never would have known. Damn, I need to get back out there. I’ve actually neglected searching for flights out there. I’ve searched mostly in Orlando, and Houston with hopes of finding a race. I freaking forgot that Cali had so many races out there
Awe Thomas. You forgot about us?!! I would pick Orlando. Houston not so much, although I do wonder if you can tell there was a flood there not too many years back.
If you ever do make it out here I would like to take you on a phenominal hike, the hardest one in the county. You could run it, wait half a day for me at the fall, then we could head back. lol
That is really amazing Kim and thank you for sharing
Thank you Sandra, it is a neat place to just go and contemplate stuff. 😉
this is really cool , thanks for sharing
Thank you Witty, you are welcome! My pleasure sir!
Very beautiful place. Thanks for the great info.
Thank you Elenka, glad you liked the it. It is really beautiful there.
Love the photos, and now I want to go hiking.
Spring is just around the corner LaJenna. Hopefully you will get to go on an awesome hike!
Wow this is very cool Kim.
Its an awesome place, but the dogs have to be leashed. We don’t go often. Thanks Carol.
It looks like a cool place to explore.
It is. Lots of cool stuff.
Thanks for the info and the super photos, Kim!
Thanks Norman 😀
Amazing place!
Thanks Ellie, its a great place to explore and hike.
Beautiful place
Thanks Olga!