Strelitzia successfully grows and blooms in the Mediterranean Sea.
It is an unstable shrub that reaches a height of 1 – 2 meters.Blooms have a unique shape and it’s in blue and orange. They come straight from the base of the plant, from the shape of a boat leaf, red. The stems are in the form of a fin with a cylindrical shape.
In translation from German, the name of the plant is a “bird of paradise” because of the shape of a flower that resembles the head of a bird.
© Elenka Smilenova 2017 – All Rights Reserved
I love Strelitzia .Beautiful photo.
I don’t believe that I have ever seen one of these.
Love these flowers.
Very beautiful flowers, these ones. Informative article.
I love Bird of Paradise, these are my favorite the giant white ones. I love the blue colors in the flowers.
Beautiful flow
It really does look like a bird 🙂